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Mr. Tim Clarke  BA MSc MIET

Senior Lecturer

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 2359
Fax: +44 (0)1904 32 2335

Research Area: Intelligent Systems and Robotics Group

Areas of Expertise: Avionics, Bio-Inspired Computing, Cognitive Networking, Control Engineering, Evolutionary Algorithms, Fault-Tolerant Design, Flight Control, Multi-Agent Systems, Radar


On graduating from the University of York with a Batchelor of Arts in Biology in 1975, Tim joined the Royal Air Force where he experienced life as an Air Traffic Control Officer before becoming an Education Officer. He underwent advanced training at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham where he graduated with an MSc in Guided Weapons Systems Engineering. Subsequent to this, he spent three years at the Royal Air force College, Cranwell, as the Electronic Warfare & Guidance Specialist. He then went into industry as a Principal Engineer with British Aerospace Naval and Electronics Systems Division, working as a Technical Consultant to the Ministry of Defence. He joined the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology in 1988 and set up the Master of Engineering in Avionics degree programme.

He is Head of the Control Systems Laboratory. His research interests include:

  • Modelling, simulation and control of rotary and fixed-wing aircraft
  • Advanced gas turbine engine modelling and simulation 
  • Wavelets in control engineering
  • Industrial sensors and automation
  • Multi-rate digital control
  • Evolutionary algorithms for control
  • Multi-agent systems for:
    •      control of autonomous vehicles 
    •      distributed data fusion
    •      distributed fault tolerance in complex systems
    •      intelligent routing in ad hoc wireless communications networks
    •      wireless sensor networks
    •      cognitive radio systems