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Dr Saeeed Mohammadzadeh

Research Fellow


Areas of Expertise: Array signal Processing, Cell-free massive MIMO, Adaptive Beamforming, Machine Learning

Saeed embarked on his academic journey at the University of Shahid Beheshti, where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree. Building on this foundation, he pursued advanced studies and obtained his Master's degree in 2014, followed by a Ph.D. degree in 2019, both from the prestigious Eastern Mediterranean University. He served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the esteemed University of São Paulo. In this role, he continued to push the boundaries of knowledge in the realm of Electrical Engineering and signal processing. He is the reviewer of a number of high-prestige journals in the field of signal processing and communications. His research interests are both diverse and profound, encompassing a range of topics including array signal processing, adaptive beamforming, Cell-free massive MIMO, machine learning, and signal processing theory. He currently serves as a research fellow at the Department of Electronics at the University of York.