Accessibility statement

Professor Paul Mitchell  



Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 2415

Research Area: Wireless Communications, Underwater Information Systems

Areas of Expertise:  wireless communications, underwater acoustic networks, wireless
sensor and ad hoc networks, satellite systems, mobile communication systems, medium
access control, routing, queuing theory, traffic modelling


Professor Paul Mitchell has been an academic at the University of York since 2005. He has
over 22 years research experience in wireless communications, and industrial experience
gained at BT and DERA (now QinetiQ). Primary research interests lie in underwater acoustic
communication networks, terrestrial wireless sensor networks, and communication protocols;
including the development of novel medium access control and routing strategies. The
application of machine learning to such distributed communication problems is of particular
interest. Other related interests include traffic modelling, queuing theory, satellite and mobile
communication systems. Professor Mitchell is an author of over 140 refereed journal and
conference papers and he has served on numerous international conference programme
committees including ICC and VTC. He was General Chair of the International Symposium
on Wireless Communications Systems in 2010. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of
the IET Wireless Sensor Systems journal, the International Journal of Distributed Sensor
Networks and MDPI Electronics, and has experience as Guest Editor and as a reviewer for a
number of IEEE, ACM and IET journals. He has secured more than >£2.3M + €4.7M
funding as principal and co-investigator.