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Bruce Lipschultz
Emeritus Professor


Professor Lipschultz’s research focus is on the plasma physics of low temperature, moderate density plasmas at the edge of fusion energy related devices. He has worked extensively on tokamak magnetic confinement devices including the discovery and initial model for the ‘MARFE’ phenomenon, a unique combination of atomic and classical transport physics, which plays a role in fuelling and density limits in tokamaks. He developed the vertical plate divertor design, now ubiquitous in divertor tokamaks. His research has contributed to the understanding and development of the use of atomic processes to remove energy and momentum from the tokamak exhaust plasma as well as the applicability of high-Z materials (e.g tungsten) for plasma interaction surfaces.


Professor Lipschultz has played a leadership role in the international community through leading the International Tokamak Physics Activity plasma group (research on subjects from materials to plasma and neutral transport) as well as chairing the International Plasma Surface Interactions meeting and serving on a number of laboratory scientific advisory committees.

Roles in the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

  • Chair, Tokamak Physics

Bruce Lipschultz

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology
University of York
YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 324901
Fax: +44 (0)1904 322214
Room: GN/031, York Plasma Institute