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Professor Phil Lightfoot
Deputy Head of School (Teaching),


Having completed a BSc in Pure Physics at Bristol University, I transferred to an MSc in Solid State Physics mainly because of an interest in advanced semiconductor devices and because of the clear route into an industrial career. Although I loved the research element of the programme, I wasn't sure that I would be satisfied working long term in the field. At the end of the course I therefore completed a PGCE at Cambridge University before returning to Bristol to take up a PhD in Polymer Physics based around developing dielectric coatings for high power semiconductor components used in high speed trains.

I’ve always tried to see the sciences as a whole rather than split into narrower and narrower branches and at the end of my PhD I applied for a research associate position within the Particle Astrophysics group at Sheffield University developing cryogenic detectors in the search for Dark Matter. I worked at Sheffield for 11 years and at ETH Zurich University (CERN) for a further year.

In 2008 because of my teaching experience I was permitted to work as a temporary lecturer at Sheffield University. I enjoyed teaching greatly and applied to join the University of York Physics Department in 2009. Between 2009 and 2017 I worked in a variety of roles including responsibility for student welfare and career development. In 2017 I became the Deputy Head of Department with a focus on the development of teaching and scholarship within the Department and University. In 2017 I became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  I am now a Professor at the University of York


  • Professor, University of York 2022 - present
  • Lecturer, University of York, 2009 - 2022
  • Temporary Lecturer, University of Sheffield, 2008 - 2009
  • Senior Research Associate, ETHZ (CERN), 2007 - 2008
  • Research Associate, Particle Astrophysics Group, University of Sheffield, 1998 - 2007
  • PhD Polymer Physics, University of Bristol, 1998
  • PGCE, University of Cambridge, 1995
  • MSc, Advanced Electronic Materials, University of Bristol, 1994
  • BSc, Physics, University of Bristol, 1993

Departmental roles

  • Deputy Head of School (Teaching)
  • Chair of the Joint Lab Committee and Projects for undergraduate programmes
  • Thematic group leader for employability and transferable skills
  • Chair of Module Observation Panel for UG programmes

University roles

  • Special Cases Committee member
    PGCAP supervisor
  • University of York Learning and Teaching Award (YLTA) supervisor

Phil Lightfoot. Credit: Ian Martindale

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 324868
Fax: +44 (0)1904 322214
Room: P/A015