My research is focussed on the understanding of the microstructure of nanomaterials and thin films down to the atomic scale. By using state-of-the-art conventional and aberration corrected electron microscopy techniques I aim to correlate the structural properties of materials, as such as crystallography, chemistry, defect density and epitaxy, with their macroscopic properties. In addition, I am interested in phase transformations at the nanoscale of materials as a function of temperature and gas pressure in reducing and oxidising gas environments.
Research group(s)
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Available PhD research projects
(Self-funded) PhD projects are available on advanced in-situ environmental TEM/STEM
characterization of Nanomaterials. Please contact me by email to further discussing options.
Mr Ahmad Althumali (co supervision with Prof V. Lazarov)
Ms Arej Eid (co supervision with Prof V. Lazarov)
Mr Ibrahim Aldawood (co supervision with Prof V. Lazarov)
Ms Megha Chacko Kachappilly (co supervision with Prof V. Lazarov)