Accessibility statement

Josie Rawes


I am a Lecturer in the School of PET specialising in radio astronomy and high energy astrophysics. I am actively involved in projects with the School's outreach facility, the Astrocampus, in particular I am co-managing an initiative using VR headsets in local schools. My research interests are centred around mapping the intensity and magnetic fields of radio bright objects such as jets and supernova remnants.


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, University of York, UK
  • Lecturer, University of Bristol 2017 - 2019
  • PhD Astrophysics, University of Bristol
  • MSci Physics (Hons), University of Bristol

Roles in the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

  • Lecturer (2022 - University of York)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant Coordinator
  • Standing Committee for Academic Misconduct Panel Member
  • Y1 Experimental Laboratory Coordinator


Josie Rawes

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology
University of York
YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 32
Fax: +44 (0)1904 322214
Room: P/A 009