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Professor Jeremy Everard BSc Eng (London), AKC, PhD (Cambridge), C.Eng, MIEE

Professor of Electronics

Formerly BAE Systems/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Professor (2007 - 2012)

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 2410
Fax: +44 (0)1904 32 2335

Research Area: Communication Technologies » Microwave and optical devices

Areas of Expertise: Low Noise Oscillators, Optoelectronics, Radio Frequency Engineering


Jeremy Everard obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1983. He worked in industry for six years at the GEC Marconi Research Laboratories, M/A-Com and Philips Research Laboratories on Radio and Microwave circuit design. At Philips he ran the Radio Transmitter Project Group.

He then taught RF and Microwave Circuit design, Opto-electronics and Electromagnetism at King's College London for nine years while leading the Physical Electronics Research Group.  He became University of London Reader in Electronics at King’s College London in 1990 and Professor of Electronics at the University of York in September 1993. In September 2007, he was awarded a five year research chair in Low Phase Noise Signal Generation sponsored by BAE Systems and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

In the RF/Microwave area his research interests include: The theory and design of low noise oscillators using inductor capacitor (LC), Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW), crystal, dielectric, transmission line, helical and superconducting resonators; flicker noise measurement and reduction in amplifiers and oscillators; high efficiency broadband amplifiers; high Q printed filters with low radiation loss, broadband negative group delay circuits and MMIC implementations.

His current research interests in Opto-electronics include: All optical self-routing switches which route data-modulated laser beams according to the destination address encoded within the data signal, ultra-fast 3-wave Opto-electronic detectors, mixers and phase locked loops and distributed fibre optic sensors.

New compact atomic clocks with ultra-low phase noise RF & microwave outputs (5/10MHz and 1.25 to 1.5GHz) are being developed. The clocks are based on the Rb and Cs hyperfine lines and use Coherent Population Trapping. The microwave outputs have micro Hz resolution.

He has published papers on: oscillators, amplifiers, resonators and filters; all optical switching, optical components, optical fibre sensors and mm-wave optoelectronic devices and most recently a new book on 'Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design with Low Noise Oscillators (Wiley). He has co-edited and co-authored a book on Gallium Arsenide Technology and its impact on Circuits and Systems and contributed to a book on Optical fibre sensors.  He has filed Patent applications in many of these areas.  He is a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London and the Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (USA).

Jeremy Everard has been selected as a Distinguished Microwave Lecturer (DML) by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) for a 3 year term starting in 2018.
The title of the talk is: Low Phase Noise Signal Generation utilising Oscillators, Resonators & Filters and Atomic Clocks.
As a DML, Jeremy is available to present talks to MTT-S chapters worldwide. The MTT-S provides a budget to cover the major travel expenses.
Microwaves in this context means all forms of high frequency (high speed) electronics including, for example, mobile and conventional radio, TV receivers, satellite navigation including GPS, communications, RADAR and Atomic Clocks.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) is the largest Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society in the world and covers all aspects of these engineering topics.