MPhys (Warwick, 2008), PhD (Warwick, 2013)
Turbulence Modeller: CCFE, 2013-2014
PDRA: IRFM, CEA (France), 2014-2015
Computational Physics Research Officer: University of York, 2015-2017
Associate Research Software Engineer: University of York, 2017-2018
Research Software Engineer: University of York, 2018-present
EPSRC RSE Fellowship 2021
Research Interests
My focus is on software sustainability: the capacity of software to endure. The vast majority of research is reliant on software, so it is vital that the software is trust-worthy, maintainable, and performs well.
- I am a maintainer of two world-class plasma software packages, BOUT++ and GS2, and have made contributions to many other codes and libraries.
- My Fellowship is about transforming the culture within plasma science in the UK towards embracing open research, software, and data, and a more solid basis of sustainable software.
Research group(s)
- TDoTP Programme Grant: Researcher Co-Investigator, RSE
- Embedding FAIRness in Plasma Science: EPSRC RSE Fellowship 2021
- Tony Arber, University of Warwick
- Paul McKenna, University of Strathclyde
- Rob Akers, CCFE - Alys Brett, CCFE
- Neil Chue Hong, SSI
- Simon Hettrick, SSI
- Robert Kingham, Imperial College London
- Markus Becker, Leibniz Association