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Professor David Grace  MEng, DPhil (York) Senior MIEEE, MIET

Professor (Research), Head of Communication Technologies Research Group, Co-Director of York - Zhejiang Lab for Cognitive Radio and Green Communications, Guest Professor Zhejiang University

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 2396

Research Area:  Communication Technologies Group

Areas of Expertise:Intelligent Networks, including Cognitive Radio, Radio Resource Management, Topology Management, Wireless Architecture Design, Wireless Systems, High Altitude Platform Systems


David Grace received his PhD from University of York in 1999, with the subject of his thesis being
‘Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment for the Wireless Environment’. He has been a member of
staff at the University since 1994 and he is now Professor (Research). He leads the Communication
Technologies Discovery Theme and Challenging Environments Translational Theme within School of
Physics, Engineering and Technology. He is also Director of the Centre for High Altitude Platform
Applications and pillar lead for Advanced Communications within Institute for Safe Autonomy.
Current research interests include non-terrestrial networks, aerial platform-based communications,
application of artificial intelligence to wireless communications; 6G system architectures; dynamic
spectrum access and interference management. He is currently leads the EPSRC HiQ project,
developing quantum key distribution via high altitude platforms. He is a recent lead investigator on
H2020 MCSA SPOTLIGHT, UK Government funded MANY, dealing with 5G trials in rural areas. He
was technical lead on the 14-partner FP6 CAPANINA project that dealt with broadband
communications from high altitude platforms. He is an author of over 280 papers, and author/editor
of 2 books. He is the former chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks for the period
2013/4. He is a founding member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and
Computing. From 2014-8 he was a non-executive director of Stratospheric Platforms Ltd. In 2000,
he jointly founded SkyLARC Technologies Ltd, and was one of its directors.