School of Physics, Engineering and Technology
Professor (Research), Head of Communication Technologies Research Group, Co-Director of York - Zhejiang Lab for Cognitive Radio and Green Communications, Guest Professor Zhejiang University
Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 2396
Research Area: Communication Technologies Group
Areas of Expertise:Intelligent Networks, including Cognitive Radio, Radio Resource Management, Topology Management, Wireless Architecture Design, Wireless Systems, High Altitude Platform Systems
David Grace received his PhD from University of York in 1999, with the subject of his thesis being
‘Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment for the Wireless Environment’. He has been a member of
staff at the University since 1994 and he is now Professor (Research). He leads the Communication
Technologies Discovery Theme and Challenging Environments Translational Theme within School of
Physics, Engineering and Technology. He is also Director of the Centre for High Altitude Platform
Applications and pillar lead for Advanced Communications within Institute for Safe Autonomy.
Current research interests include non-terrestrial networks, aerial platform-based communications,
application of artificial intelligence to wireless communications; 6G system architectures; dynamic
spectrum access and interference management. He is currently leads the EPSRC HiQ project,
developing quantum key distribution via high altitude platforms. He is a recent lead investigator on
H2020 MCSA SPOTLIGHT, UK Government funded MANY, dealing with 5G trials in rural areas. He
was technical lead on the 14-partner FP6 CAPANINA project that dealt with broadband
communications from high altitude platforms. He is an author of over 280 papers, and author/editor
of 2 books. He is the former chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks for the period
2013/4. He is a founding member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and
Computing. From 2014-8 he was a non-executive director of Stratospheric Platforms Ltd. In 2000,
he jointly founded SkyLARC Technologies Ltd, and was one of its directors.
2009 – onwards Taught MSc Project Supervisor for team based project
Lectures on University of York Postgraduate MSc Communications Engineering programme, for:
2007 – 2008 Emerging Technologies: Cognitive Radio (1 lecture)
2006 – 2008 Emerging Technologies: High Altitude Platforms (2 lectures)
Lecturer on University of York Postgraduate IGDS programme, for:
2000 – 2005 Wireless Information Systems
– Lecture Future Wireless Systems
2000 Spectrum Management
– Lectures Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment
High Altitude Platforms,
Model Development Using OPNET
Lecturer on COST IC0902 / ICT-ACROPOLIS / COST-TERRA Summer School, Application of Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing to Energy Saving, Kings College London, July 2013
CORNET Short Course on Cognitive Communications, Israel, a 3 day intensive course that took place in June 2011. I was the course leader, responsible for development of the overall curriculum, as well as specific courses.
York – Zhejiang Summer School on Cognitive Communications, a 7 day intensive Summer School that took place from 25-31 October 2010, with Research Councils UK funding. Joint leader, responsible for 8 other lecturers, and responsible for development of the overall curriculum, as well as specific courses.
Invited Tutorial: Delivering Communications Services from High Altitude Platforms, ASMS’06, Herrsching, Germany, 29 May 2006
Tutorial Leader at IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York on ‘Broadband Communications from High Altitude Platforms’. IEEE ICC is one of the most prestigious conferences on communications, 2002.
Application of artificial intelligence to radio resource and network topology management for
mixed wireless systems, including vehicular networks and 6G systems.
Radio resource management in general including, dynamic spectrum access, cognitive radio,
coexistence and spectrum sharing, application of economics to spectrum assignment, and
distributed dynamic channel assignment, including specialist knowledge of their application
to non-terrestrial networks, including high altitude platforms and wireless ad hoc networks.
System level design, interference studies and mitigation techniques for mixed wireless
systems, incorporating current and future standards.
Future backhaul/fronthaul architectures, including cloud RAN; Software Defined Networking
and Network Function Virtualisation.
Radio Networks
High Altitude Platforms
Direct line management responsibility for:
Current: Dr Yi Chu
Former: Dr Farah Al Salami, Shammi Farhana Islam, Tareq al Shami Salahedin Rehan, Dr
Qiyang Zhao, Dr Yunbo Han, Dr Tao Jiang, Dr Yiming Liu, Dr Pairoj Likitthanasate, Dr
Guanhua Chen, Dr Konstantinos Katzis;
Supervisor to several MSc, MPhil and PhD students in the group with common research
Current PhD supervisees: Wijdan Alsaedi (2 nd Supervisor), Muheeb Ahmed, Qiao Wang
Shammi Farhana Islam (2 nd Supervisor), Kayode Popoola
Former supervisees: Steve Arum, Sumaila Anand Mahama, Mahmudhul Haque Kafi(2nd
Supervisor), Tareq Al Shami, Sunghyun Park (2 nd Supervisor), Junfei Qui, Danial Zakaria,
Shipra Kapoor, Aftab Ahmed, Nurul Sidek, Jialu Lun, Zhehan Li, Rudraksh Shrivastava,
Abimbola Fisusi, Sinan Nuuman, Nils Morozs (2nd Supervisor), Salahedin Rehan, Lawal
Mohammed Bello (2nd Supervisor), Selahattin Kosunalp (2nd Supervisor), Abdul Karim
Oloyede, Aizat Ramli, Elizar, Qiyang Zhao, Yi Chu (2nd Supervisor), Yunbo Han, RuoFan
Jin, Kunyoung Lee, Meng Fei Yang, Hai Bin Li, Tao Jiang, Bo Han, Jian Qiu (2nd
Supervisor), Jingxin Chen, Pairoj Likitthanasate, YuMing Lu, Yiming Liu, Guanhua Chen,
Charles Thomas Mary, Zhiyu Peng, Zhe Yang, Yang Zhang, Konstantinos Katzis,
Konstantinos Akelestos, Linjun Dong, Zijun Zhao, Maninder Jeet Kaur (1 year visiting
Co-Director of York-Zhejiang Lab for Cognitive Radio and Green Communications
- a joint structure between York and Zhejiang University, designed to enhance research in cognitive radio and green communications. The structure was signed into force by York’s Vice Chancellor and President of Zhejiang in April 2010.
Founder and Chair of WUN Cognitive Communications Consortium
- now with members from over 90 organisations worldwide
Advisor to Special Interest Group Green and Sustainable Networking and Computing with Cognition and Cooperation
Non-Executive Director of High Technology Start Up Company
Previous activities
Chair for IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks 2013 -2014
Chair of WUN Cognitive Communications Consortium 2009 -2015
Vice-Chair Special Interest Group on Cognitive Green Communications and Computing Networks 2013-14
Member of IEEE Comsoc Technical Advisory Council 2013-14
Chair of COST 297 - HAPCOS WG1 'Radio Communications' 2005-9
Director of SkyLARC Technologies Ltd 2001-2009.
Non Exec Director of Stratospheric Platforms Ltd 2014-18
IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks
IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing
IEEE Satellite and Space Committee
Member of EPSRC Review College
Member of EC Expert Evaluators Database
Expert Evaluator for H2020 Projects
Reviewer for EPSRC, NERC, Slovak research and Development Agency, Innovation Funding Agency of the Flemish (Belgian) Government, Academy of Finland, Commonwealth Scholarship Association
Aerial Platform based Wireless Communications – Will the Myth now become Reality?, June 2015, DroNet Workshop Keynote, Part of MobiSys 2015, Florence, Italy
'Cognitive' Green Radio - How can Intelligence Save Energy?, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS), August 2012, Paris, France
Cognitive Communications – The Intelligent Future?, IET CCWMC 2009, December 2009 Shanghai, China and Nov 2010, VTT CAP Seminar, VTT, Finland
Communications from High Altitude Platforms – The Achievements of the Last 10 Years, October 2008, HAPCOS Workshop, Friedrichshafen, Germany
High Altitude Platforms for Communications, May 2006, International Wireless Telecommunications Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The FP6 CAPANINA Project: Broadband Communications Delivery from High Altitude Platforms, September 2005, UAVNET Workshop, London
Broadband Communications from High Altitude Platforms, February 2002, CSIR Industry Briefing on HAPs in Pretoria, South Africa
D. Grace, J. Chen, T. Jiang, P.D. Mitchell, Using Cognitive Radio to Deliver ‘Green’ Communications, CROWNCOM’09, Hannover, Germany, June 2009 2013- Best readings in Green Communications – Paper included on list published by the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing
N. Morozs, T. Clarke, D. Grace, A Novel Adaptive Call Admission Control Scheme for Distributed Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cellular Networks, IEEE ISWCS 2013, August 2013 Best Paper Award
T. Jiang, D. Grace, Y. Liu, Two Stage Reinforcement Learning Based Cognitive Radio with Exploration Control, IET Communications, Vol.5, Iss. 5, pp. 644-51, 2011, doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2009.0803 WUN CogCom Best Paper Award 2013 - Distributed Artificial Intelligence Category
T. Jiang, D. Grace and P.D. Mitchell, Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning Based Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sharing, IET Communications, Vol 5, Iss. 10, pp. 1309-17, July 2011, doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2010.0258 WUN CogCom Best Paper Award 2012 - Distributed Artificial Intelligence Category
J. Thornton, D. Grace, Effect of Antenna Aperture Field on Co-Channel Interference, Capacity and Payload Mass in High Altitude Platform Communications, ETRI Journal, Vol. 26, Number 5, October 2004, pp.467 – 474 Paper of the Year 2004
Within the field of wireless communications, being invited to take part in a conference panel session is normally only given to leaders within their research area, and they are there to voice their respected opinions. After a short ‘perspective’ presentation, panellists take part in a debate and discussion led by the chair, the most prestigious corresponding to the quality of the conference.
Stratospheric Platforms Systems Workshop (SPSW) 2001, 2003, 2005, Tokyo, Japan – The largest event in the field organised by NICT, Japan
What Role for HAPs? IEEE PIMRC 2004, Barcelona, Spain
High Altitude Platforms – The New Communications Infrastructure, Wireless Personal Mobile Conference (WPMC) 2004 (also Co-Organiser), Abano Terme, Italy
Broadband Fixed Wireless Access, WPMC2005, Aalborg, Denmark
The Networked Vehicle, IEEE VTC05-Spring, Stockholm, Sweden
Communications for Emergency and Crisis Management, International Conference on Telecommunications 2006, Madeira, Portugal
Mobile and Wireless Communications for Emergency and Crisis Management, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications Systems (ICWCS) 2006, Valencia, Spain
The Role of High Altitude Platforms in Providing Communications for Emergency and Disaster Management, IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece (unable to attend, presented on my behalf)
The Role of High Altitude Platforms in Providing Communications for Emergency and Disaster Management, WPMC 2007, Jaipur, India
Machine Learning for Radio Resource and Topology Management in Self-Organising Networks, Huawei Future of Wireless, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2015
IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Journal in Selected Areas on Communications, IEE Proceedings-Communications, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, IET Networks, Electronics Letters, IEEE Proceedings, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network, ETRI Journal, IEICE Trans. on Communications, Computer Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. For conferences: IEEE SoftCom 2002 (International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks), IEEE VTC 2003, 2007-Spring, 2008-Spring, 2008-Fall, IEEE PIMRC 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 IEEE GLOBECOM 2004, 2008-Wireless Communications, 2009. WEIMC 2006, IEEE ICC 2004, 2006, 2008, IST Mobile Summit 2005, 2006, 2007, CROWNCOM 2007, ISWC 2007, M-CNIT 2008, IWSSC08, ICWMC09, SPACOMM 2009, ICCCN 2009, IEEE Greencom 2014
Track Chair of 2nd EAI International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, Guildford, UK, 2015
Advisory Board of CROWNCOM 2015
A General Chair for Green Cognitive Communications and Computer Networking Workshop at IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada
A Symposium Chair: Cognitive Networks, IEEE ICC 2013, June 2013, Budapest Hungary (the largest and most prestigious conference on communications)
General Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology (ISCIT) 2011, Hangzhou, China
Finance Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems 2010, York, UK
A TPC Chair COGCOM 2009 - A workshop organised in conjunction with IEEE ICCCN'09, San Francisco, USA
A TPC Chair COGCOM 2008 - A workshop organised in conjunction with CHINACOM'08, Hangzhou, China
Interworking 2004, IST Mobile Summit 2005-2007, Wireless Euro-Mediterranean International Conference 2005, IEEE IWSSC 2005-2007, APCC 2005, WHAPS 2005, IEEE VTC’06-Spring, IEEE VTC’07-Spring, IEEE VTC MS’08 -Spring, IEEE VTC’08-Fall, IEEE VTC’09-Fall, IEEE VTC’09-Spring, IEEE VTC’10-Spring, IEEE VTC’10-Fall, IEEE VTC’11-Fall, IEEE VTC’12-Spring, IEEE VTC’12-Fall, IEEE VTC’13-Spring, IEEE VTC’13-Fall, IEEE VTC’14-Fall, IEEE VTC’15-Spring, IEEE VTC’ 16-Spring, IEEE ICC-GS’07, IEEE Globecom08-Satellites, IEEE Globecom08-Cognitive Radio, IEEE Globecom’10 SAC, IEEE Globecom’11 CRN, IEEE Globecom’11 CRN, GCS, IEEE ICC-WCS’07, IEEE ICC-GS’08, IEEE ICC09-Cognitive Networks, ICC09-Wireless Networking, IEEE ICC’10, IEEE, ICC’11, IEEE ICC’12, IEEE ICC’13, IEEE ICC’14, IEEE ICC’15, IEEE ICC’16, MCWC’06, CROWNCOM’07, IEEE CCNC’10 Short Papers, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’08), Moshsraka International Conference on Communication and Information Technology (M-CIT 2007), MIC-CNIT08, IWSSC 2008-9, IEEE PIMRC 2008-11, , I-CENTRIC08, MIC-CCA08, CCNC08-Short Papers, CMC09, SPACOMM09, IWCMC09, EuCAP09, CENTRIC09, ICSIT 2011, IET ICWCA’12, IEEE ISWCS 2013, Latincom 2013, IEEE Milcom 2013, IEEE Latincom’13, IEEE CCS 2014, IEEE DySPAN 2015
2008, Sedat Gormus, University of Bristol, UK
2009, Qiwei Zhang, University of Twente, Netherlands
2009, Peng Jiang, Queen Mary University of London, UK
2010, Kok Lim Yau, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2012, Prabhjot Kaur, National Institute of Technology, Jalandar, India
2012, Syed Shah Irfan Hussain, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
2012, Faisal Tariq, Open University, UK
2013, Raed Manna, University of Sydney, Australia
2013, Xing Liu, University of Surrey, UK
2013, Brendan Lawton, University College Cork, Ireland
2014, Ahmed Sohail, University of Surrey, UK
2014, Pol Blasco Moreno, Imperial College London, UK
2015, Dileep Kumar Verma, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
2015, Samantha Gamboa, Telecom Bretagne, France, (as Rapporteur)
2015, Meftah Mehdawi, University of Hull, UK
2016, Shaswar Baban, King’s College London, PhD
2016, Alexandra Bousia, University Polytechnic of Catalyuna, Spain, PhD
2016, Yusuf Sambo, University of Surrey, PhD
2018, Georgios Chochlidakis, King’s College London, PhD
2018, Ghaith Radhi Hassan Al-Juboori, University of Bristol, PhD
2018, Abdulkareem Sarki Karasuwa, University of South Wales, PhD
2018, Ahmed O. Abdul Salam Al-Juboori, University of Bradford, PhD
2021, Enric Pardo Grino, King’s College London, PhD
2021, Yantong Wang, King’s College London, PhD
2022, Mohammad Amzad Hossain, National University of Ireland, Galway, PhD
School of Physics, Engineering and Technology
University of York,
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+44 (0)1904 321334
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