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Institute of Physics Astroparticle Physics Group Early Career Award 2010-2011
How were the chemical elements that we consist of created? What determines the impact exploding stars have on our universe? These two questions are central in our understanding of the universe and for how we see ourselves in relation to the history and evolution of the universe. Christian’s research is focussed on these questions through studies of:
This research programme in nuclear astrophysics is in its nature interdisciplinary, through the strong links to observational astronomy and computational astrophysics. The investigations therefore require collaboration with scientists outside the field of nuclear physics, in particular astrophysicists, through which additional knowledge and expertise is drawn in, as well as through close collaboration with nuclear theory. The (often radioactive) nuclei involved in the reactions are produced and accelerated at ion-beam facilities, and through the use of state-of-the-art particle-detector arrays we measure the particles emitted in the reactions. In this way, we reproduce the conditions in stellar explosions on a microscopic scale, investigating the reactions that govern the evolution and death of stars. To this end we currently utilise the radioactive-ion-beam facilities TRIUMF (Canada), JYFL-IGISOL (Finland), NSCL (USA), and SPIRAL (France) as well as the stable-beam facilities iThemba LABS (South Africa), Orsay (France), and Aarhus (Denmark), and is complemented by gamma-beam experiments at the HIGS (USA) and ELI-NP (Romania) facilities.
Department of Physics
University of York
YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 322221
Room P/E005