Dr Babar Jamil
Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
Email: babar.jamil@york.ac.uk
Areas of Expertise
Robotics, sensors, control engineering, electrical engineering, mechanism design, system integration
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/uoy-robotics/home
Dr. Babar Jamil did his Ph.D. in electrical and electronic engineering from Hanyang University, South Korea. His Ph.D. thesis focused on the development of a hybrid robotic manipulator that combines the soft actuation with the conventional rigid point motion, with embedded sensor design for accurate motion control. After completing his Ph.D. he moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, where he worked as Postdoctoral Researcher and later became a Research Professor.
Dr. Babar Jamil has since joined the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology at the University of York as a lecturer in robotics and control. His current research is centred around novel robotic systems for safe human-robot collaboration and human-robot interfaces. Additionally, He will be involved in designing innovative control algorithms for these robotic systems to enable safe interaction with the environment. His research interests also encompass smart structures through sensor design and integration and applied machine learning.
- Jiseong Shin, Babar Jamil, Hyungpil Moon, Ja Choon Koo, Hyouk Ryeol Choi, and Hugo Rodrigue, "Thermo-Pneumatic Artificial Muscle: Air-Based Thermo-Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Pumpless Pneumatic Actuation," Soft Robotics, 2023.
- Babar Jamil, Namsoo Oh, Jingu Lee, Haneol Lee, and Hugo Rodrigue "A Review and Comparison of Linear Pneumatic Artificial Muscles," International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2023.
- Altair Coutinho, Jae Hyung Park, Babar Jamil, Hyouk Ryeol Choi, Hugo Rodrigue, "Hyperbaric Vacuum-Based Artificial Muscles for High-Performance Actuation," Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023.
- Babar Jamil, Hugo Rodrigue, and Youngjin Choi “Design of a Novel Sensing Method For a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuator-driven 2-DOF Parallel Joint ”, Soft Robotics, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 187-196, Feb., 2023.
- Babar Jamil and Hugo Rodrigue, "Low-Powered and Resilient IR-Based Pigmented Soft Optoelectronic Sensors", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol.14, no.33, pp.38144-38152, Aug. 2022.
- Babar Jamil, Gyeongjae Yoo, Youngjin Choi and Hugo Rodrigue, “Hybrid Robotic Manipulator using Sensorized Articulated Segment Joints with Soft Inflatable Rubber Bellows”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, No. 10, pp. 10259-10269, Oct., 2022.
- Young Jae Park, Myung Gook Ko, Babar Jamil, Jisung Shin and Hugo Rodrigue, "Simple and Scalable Soft Actuation Through Coupled Inflatable Tubes," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 41993-42003, 2022.
- Babar Jamil, and Youngjin Choi, “Modified Stiffness based Soft Optical Waveguide Integrated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM) Actuators for Contraction and Force Sensing”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 26, No.6, pp. 3243-3253, Dec., 2021.
- Babar Jamil, Gyeongjae Yoo, Youngjin Choi and Hugo Rodrigue, “Proprioceptive Soft Pneumatic Gripper for Extreme Environments using Hybrid Optical Fibers”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 8694-8701, Oct., 2021.
- Seulah Lee, Babar Jamil, Sunhong Kim, and Youngjin Choi, “Fabric vest socket with embroidered electrodes for control of myoelectric prosthesis”, Sensors, vol. 20, No.4, Article No. 1196, 17pages, Feb., 2020.
- Babar Jamil, Seulah Lee, and Youngjin Choi, “Fabrication, Characterization and Control of Knit-covered Pneumatic Artificial Muscle”, IEEE Access Journal, vol. 7, pp. 84770-84783, Jun., 2019.
Dr. Babar Jamil is welcoming applications/enquiries for self-financed PhD research, contact through email.
Research Areas:
- Control Engineering for Robotics.
- Hybrid Robots for safe human-robot collaboration
- Mobile cobots for safe autonomy
- Novel devices for safe human-robot interfaces
- Novel sensors and actuators
- Smart robotic grippers/hands