If you would like to contribute to Physics Review, the Editorial Board invites you to become one of our authors. We like our articles to be interesting, informative and entertaining. They should in general be pitched at the middle-ability 16- to 17-year-old physics student, who has a reasonable grasp of physics at GCSE level, is in the process of getting to grips with some A-level or equivalent material and whose main interest is not necessarily in pure physics.
A feature article should be no more than 2000 words long and shorter items are very welcome. For more information, please see our Notes for Authors (Jan 21) (MS Word , 58kb) or contact Physics Review.
The magazine does not publish book reviews, and the editors regret that they are unable to return unsolicited copies of books sent for review.
For more information or to submit an article, please email physrev@york.ac.uk