Can you heal people using electricity? Dr Stuart Higgins, School of Physics, Engineering and Technology
Event details
School of Physics, Engineering and Technology Winter Webinar Series
Biomedical Engineering is about taking materials, technologies and tools, and using them to improve our health and the way we live.
It covers a diverse range of applications, from developing new tests to help diagnose disease, more effective ways to deliver drugs into our bodies, better surgical instruments, to creating new materials and medical devices that can help us heal and understand our bodies.
To achieve that, biomedical engineering draws on a wide range of tools and techniques, including mechanics, electronics, chemistry, computer science, nanotechnology, and combines them with understanding and concepts from biology and medicine.
This webinar will introduce some of the core ideas around biomedical engineering, and discuss some of the active research being carried out within the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology.
About the speaker
Dr Stuart Higgins is a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering at the University of York. His research explores the role of bioelectricity in different biological systems, and how it might be harnessed to help treat medical conditions.