Aesthetics, Art and Literature
Our work covers literature and poetry, vision and the visual arts, creativity, the arts of pre-history, art and the emotions, the nature of art and empirical approaches to aesthetics.
Our team has a greater concentration of specialists than almost any other English-speaking department.
We are world leaders in our field, currently ranked joint first in the world in the area of Philosophy of Art by the Philosophical Gourmet Report.
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- Professor Greg Currie Art and cognitive science, the imagination and its place in the architecture of mind, philosophy of literature.
- Dr Owen Hulatt Analytic and continental approaches to aesthetics. Adorno, form-content unity, musical and literary profundity and artistic autonomy.
- Professor Peter Lamarque Philosophy of literature, especially interpretation, literature and truth. Art ontology, poetry, narrative and the self.
- Professor Paul Noordhof The perception of expressive properties and imagination in the experience of art.
- Professor Jenefer Robinson (University of Cincinnati, Emerita) Aesthetics, philosophical psychology.
- Kendra Wegscheidler (krw525
@york.ac.uk )
What is a Philosophical Novel? Exploring the Significant Philosophical Contributions Made By Literature (supervisor: Professor Peter Lamarque)