Accessibility statement

Lucy Akturk
Student Wellbeing Officer



Hi, I’m Lucy and I’m your Student Wellbeing Officer. I’m here to provide a space for you to discuss any issues that might be concerning you or affecting your wellbeing during your time at University. This may include academic, personal, financial or health concerns - whatever it is, I'm here to listen.

I provide 1:1 support, information and guidance and can help you navigate the support available on and off campus. I also run wellbeing events throughout the year, including sessions with my therapy dog Milo, so keep an eye out for emails about these!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to arrange an informal chat.
You can email me at or book an appointment directly into my Google calendar

Contact details

Lucy Akturk
Student Wellbeing Officer
University of York