David is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of York, where he has taught since 2017. Before taking up this position, David was a Humanities Research Centre Doctoral Fellow (also University of York). Prior to this, David worked as a research officer at Trinity College Dublin, and before this, taught for several years in Shandong province in China.
David specialises in analytic theology and philosophy of religion and has published numerous articles, discussions, and chapters in venues such as Religious Studies, Philosophical Quarterly, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, and the Journal of Analytic Theology. David has spoken at more than 30 conferences and workshops, and helped secure over £200,000 in external funding across multiple grants in Islamic, Jewish, and Christian analytic theology. He is currently working on a monograph on the beatific vision and an edited collection in honour of his late mentor and friend, The Rev'd Dr David Efird.
David has taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules in analytic theology, including Religious Ethics (UG), God and Morality (UG), Philosophy of Christianity (UG/MA), Philosophy of Islam (UG/MA), Suffering and the Good Life (UG/MA), Philosophy of the Spiritual Life (MA), Comparative Analytic Theology (MA), and Science-Engaged Analytic Theology (MA). He also convenes the York MA in Analytic Theology. In 2019, David became a Senior Fellow of the HEA. In 2021, David was awarded a Vice-Chancellor's Teaching Award.
Since 2018, David has organised the annual meetings of the UK branch of the Society of Christian Philosophers. David currently convenes the St Benedict’s Society for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology. In September 2022, David will become secretary of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion.
Director of the First Year Programme
Graduate Teaching Coordinator
Convenor of the MA in Analytic Theology
Member of Department Teaching Committee
Academic Misconduct Representative
I'm interested in epistemology, ethics, philosophy of religion, and philosophical theology.
I am currently working on a manuscript that examines analytic approaches to the beatific vision.