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The Department of Philosophy is home to over 50 members of staff.
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Research interests:
- Perception
- Colour
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Phenomenology
- Experimental Philosophy

Research interests:
- Agent-neutrality/relativity in metaethics
- Practical reasoning
- Personal idenity
- Buddhism
- Political theory

Research interests:
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Feminist Philosophy
- Property rights
- Self-Ownership
- Privacy

Research interests:
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Agency
- Metaphysics of Mind

Research interests:
- Philosophy of Mind
- Cognitive Science
- Phenomenology
- Ecological Grief
- Environmental Experience

Research interests:
- Basic equality
- Moral status
- Relational equality
- Distributive justice

Research interests:
- Bioethics
- Medical-aid-in-dying
- Death
- Public health ethics
- Paternalism in public health

Research interests:
- Aesthetics
- Post-Kantianism
- Medieval Philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
- Apophaticism

Research interests:
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of Time

Research interests:
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Philosophy of Science
- Fictionalism
- Maths and Metaethics
- Sex and Gender

Research interests:
- Addiction and compulsion
- Praise- and blame-worthiness
- Temporal thought
- Self-consciousness and self-knowledge
- Free will

Research interests:
- Belief
- Causation
- Consciousness
- Imagination
- Representation

Research interests:
- Political philosophy
- Economic and social justice
- Political economy
- Public policy

Research interests:
- Happiness and Well-Being
- Theories of Fairness
- Ethical Theory
- Reasons and Rationality
- Selected issues in epistemology (epistemic normativity, epistemic values)

Research interests:
- Phenomenology
- Philosophy of Psychiatry
- Philosophy of Mind
- Emotions, Feelings, and Moods
- Interpersonal Experience

Research interests:
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Nothingness and Possibility
- Perception, Consciousness and Dreaming
- Nightmares and Memory in Trauma
- AI and Data Ethics

Research interests:
- Philosophy of scientific methods
- Artificial intelligence
- Scientific imagination
- Aesthetics of science
- Empirical methods in philosophy

Research interests:
- Egalitarianism
- Reasons for Action
- Virtue Ethics
- Political Economy
- Finance

Research interests:
- Philosophical logic
- Metaphysics
- History of early analytic philosophy
- Philosophy of language

Research interests:
- Philosophy of religion
- Philosophical theology
- Analytic theology