Dr Naomi Thompson University of Bristol

  • Date and time: Wednesday 2 April 2025, 4pm to 5.30pm
  • Location: I/A/009, Sally Baldwin Buildings, Campus West, University of York (Map)
  • Admission: Free admission, booking not required

Event details

Social Construction as Social Metaphysical Explanation

Recent works by Jonathan Schaffer and Aaron Griffith have offered accounts of social construction as grounding. In this paper, I argue that better suited for modelling social construction is metaphysical explanation, and further that this sort of metaphysical explanation should be taken to have various non-standard features. In particular, my account of social construction as social metaphysical explanation takes social metaphysical explanations to be context sensitive, holistic (and thus nonsymmetric), and non-factive. Driving this account is my contention that social construction requires that the concept the referent of which is to be constructed be salient in the context.


Dr Daniel Morgan