Penny Spikins (theme lead) Human origins and early prehistory, cognitive and social evolution
Greg Currie The aesthetics of ancient artefacts, social cognition, the arts
Rob Jenkins Cognitive science - perception, attention, and memory
Peter Lamarque The evolution of aesthetics, narrative, imagination
Paul Noordhof Philosophy of mind, metaphysics, meta-ethics, philosophy of art
Amanda Rees History of prehistory, biology and human-animal relations
Chris Renwick History of biology and social science since the early 1800s
Katie Slocombe Evolutionary comparative psychology, communication and cognition
Will Smith 3D shape from images, modelling variation
Martón Soskuthy Language change, computational modelling, phonetics and phonology, language evolution
Tom Stoneham Consciousness, perception and imagination as evolved capacities
George Tsoulas Evolution of language, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics
Barry Wright Autism, child mental health, psychological medicine, neurodevelopment