Posted on 4 October 2016
Seminars take place every Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Philip Rahtz Lecture Theatre (K/133) in King’s Manor. The series runs from the 5th of October - 23rd November 2016, and the 18th of January - 8th March 2017. The series is free to attend and open to all.
This year's seminars cover an array of archaeological topics, and include lectures from both academic researchers and public engagement projects. Our guest speakers are experts in their various fields and come from institutions across the UK and worldwide. As ever, archaeology remains at the heart of the series, but many seminars will be sure to appeal to those from other disciplinary backgrounds. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear the latest news from various research projects, and a chance to meet the speakers, so please disseminate widely amongst friends and colleagues who might be interested!
Autumn 2016 speaker list:
Prof. Terry Brown - University of Manchester: Origins and spread of agriculture; Palaeodisease
Dr N Overton - University of Chester: Animism-Human/Animal interaction in the Mesolithic
Dr Maria Pala and Dr Francesca Gandini - University of Huddersfield:Analysis of mitochondrial DNA variability in Western Eurasia
Dr Robin Skeates - Durham University: Social relations and transformations in Prehistory
Dr. Catherine Hills: University of Cambridge: Spong Hill Published. A 3000 person cemetery and the beginnings of England
Vicky Nash - Dig Greater Manchester, University of Salford
Dr Clive Trueman – University of Southampton: Stable Isotope ecology in fisheries