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PALAEO afternoon

Posted on 27 January 2016

There will be a PALAEO half-day on the theme of human-environment interactions on Monday 15th February

Following the relaunch of PALAEO and the opening of the new Environment Department building on the Heslington West Campus, we will be holding a PALAEO AFTERNOON on the theme of human-environment interactions.

Venue: Environment department lecture theatre (Env/005)

Time: Monday, 15 February 2016 13:00 - 17.45


Chair: Oliver Craig 

13.00 - Introduction (Oliver Craig/Charline Giguet-Covex)

13.15 - Andre Carlo Colonese - Bridging ancient and modern artisanal fisheries in Latin America: assessing the role of cultural heritage in poverty alleviation in coastal Brazil

13.35 - Dawn Hadley - Tracking the changing paleoecology of whales using ancient biomolecules

13.55 - Jon Hill - Recreating the Mesolithic Storegga tsunami event

14.15 - Roland Gehrels - Past sea-level change and the human dimension

14.35 BREAK

Chair: Oliver Craig

14.50 - Rob Marchant - Perspectives from East Africa on the role of Palaeo for achieving Sustainable Development Goals

15.10 - Daryl Stump - The devil is in the details: problems of equating long-term land use with longterm sustainability, with examples from East African intensive agriculture

15.30 - Donald Henson - Local, seasonal and beneficial: Mesolithic foods for the present?

15.50 - Kevin Walsh - Human-environment interactions in the Alps: Integrating multiple scales of analysis via archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence

16.10 BREAK

Chair: Matthew Collins

16.25 - - Upland peatlands: where has all the carbon gone - up in smoke? Adding up the evidence and numbers on past human impacts on current peat carbon stocks!

16.45 - Paul O’Higgins - Environment and the human face: a perspective from the past

17.05 - Terry O’Connor - Scene of crime? Baynunah camel project 2015

17.25 - Matthew Collins - Closing remarks and general questions.

17.45 - CLOSE