Posted on 27 February 2025
Funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research Programme for Social Care, the project will investigate whether local voluntary sector support can effectively improve the mental health of parents under the age of 25.
Young parents can face multiple challenges that make them more likely to experience mental health problems. For example, they are entitled to a lower minimum wage and housing benefits and can have limited access to the social support and connections that are vital to parent and child wellbeing.
Impacts on children
Postnatal depression is up to twice as prevalent in teenage mothers compared to those over 20 and suicide rates among young mothers in the first two years after birth are rising. Mental health problems for mothers cost the UK approximately £8.1 billion annually due to the long-lasting impacts on children and poor mental health has recently overtaken domestic violence as the leading cause for children’s social care assessments.
Young mothers and birthing parents who have experienced trauma as children, including care experiences or abuse, are particularly at risk of experiencing poor mental health.
Significant discrimination
Co-lead investigator on the research project, Dr Ruth Naughton-Doe from the Mental Health Social Care Research Centre at the University of York, said: “Young parents face significant discrimination and stigma and are often framed as a problem or high risk. They frequently report receiving judgemental comments from strangers or professionals and are more likely to be referred to social services.
“This project has been launched in response to the urgent need for new and more effective ways to support young mothers and birthing parents. Our research will gather evidence to understand what they need to help them be the best parents they can be.
“Every baby deserves the best start, and we know the first 1,001 days are crucial in a child’s development.”
Building trust
The study will evaluate the potential for building trust and increasing support via community-based services. Staff delivering existing services as well as the young parents using them will be involved.The study will include parents from diverse backgrounds and experiences, such as ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, those with multiples or large families, single parents, and parents with neurodiversity, disabilities (including chronic and mental illness), or on low incomes.
Dr Naughton-Doe adds: “Local community services including social prescribing or peer support could be a cost-effective approach. These services may complement mental health services by addressing social issues and preventing mental health problems
“Research evidence suggests that these services can improve parents’ wellbeing, but there is a lack of evidence about what works specifically for young mothers and birthing parents.”
Four services from around the country are taking part in the project: The community interest company Connected in Derby and the charities Parents 1st in Essex, Young Mums Aid in London and a Young Mums Maternal Mental Health Link Worker Service in Sunderland.
Influencing change
Dr Miriam Donaghy, Founder and CEO of MumsAid, said: “We want to highlight the importance of providing services for young mothers that are effective and that they wish to engage with, and this research provides an excellent opportunity to do that by defining what best practice looks like.”
Alicia Harris, Senior Community Mental Health Link Worker, Sunderland Counselling Service, said: “Obtaining the lived experience from young mums and using this to forge beneficial, person-centred services focusing on their mental wellbeing and what’s important to them is crucial and a significant step forward in supporting young mothers with their mental health needs. To be able to contribute to this research in hopes of influencing change at a local level is really exciting.”
Paula Beare, CEO of Parents 1st, added: "We are excited to be part of this important research project, shining a light on how the power of community-based services can best support young mothers during pregnancy, birth and beyond and with the potential to create lasting change in future service provision."
For further information on the project visit:
The project was developed through Dr Naughton-Doe’s initiative Co-producing solutions to perinatal loneliness and it will be carried out by researchers in the Mental Health Social Care Research Centre at the University of York in collaboration with charities including the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition; the Maternal Mental Health Alliance; an organisation supporting Black mothers, and the Hearts and Minds Partnership. The team who helped develop the project includes Jayde Edwards, a woman with lived-experience of being a young parent; Ang Broadbridge (Ways to Wellness) and Rachel McDonald (Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust).
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