Posted on 28 September 2011
'Connect to Science' is a free eight week course with a twist – while learning about physics and maths, learners will be writing creatively about the new things they discover about the world.
What makes this such an exciting endeavour is that so many partners are working together on the project
Lesley Booth
The University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning and Department of Physics are working with the National Science Learning Centre on the project which is funded by the National HE STEM programme.
The course consists of a mix of class time, laboratory experiments and visits to local sites which will include Drax Power Station, the Yorkshire Museum and the University's own Astrocampus. It will encourage adults to explore the wide range of opportunities that science presents in terms of education as well as employment.
The visits will be complemented by theory work in the class room. During the time spent indoors, tutors will show that science can be understood by everyone and used on a daily basis. Through creative writing, learners will be able to express their new knowledge and the effect that the course has had on them.
Lesley Booth, Director of Community Relations and Lifelong Learning said; “What makes this such an exciting endeavour is that so many partners are working together on the project. We are thrilled to be able to showcase the project's class time through the National Science Learning Centre, which is the ideal venue to introduce learners of all ages to science. By the conclusion of the project, we hope that learners will begin their own personal journeys into further education or employment within the various fields of science.”
The first classes for the project begin on the mornings of 24 and 25 October 2011, and are aimed at any local adult without any significant previous knowledge in the sciences – support for childcare and travel costs is available for learners upon request. Recruitment is being
supported by the City of York Council's Family Learning Service, but people can also register for a place directly by calling the Centre for Lifelong Learning on 01904 328473 or visiting the website at
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