Posted on 29 January 2007
Staff in the Department of Health Sciences at York have developed CHD Prevention Online for practice nurses, community nurses and others working in cardiac rehabilitation. The course, which goes live in April, gives practitioners the opportunity to develop their coronary heart disease skills in a safe environment. Crucially, they will be able to do the course at home or at work without the need to travel to a training site.
During the 14-week course, practitioners will work with an online ‘patient’, undertaking a range of activities, designed to develop skills in the assessment and management of CHD. These range from management of risks such as diabetes, high cholestorol, smoking, and family history, to management of chest pain in primary care and psychological adjustment.
[Nurses] will be able to build up evidence of their learning online as they go
Ros Brownlow
Course Leader, Ros Brownlow, said "Our expert tutors will help nurses reach the latest research and evidence base and provide support for their learning. They will be able to build up evidence of their learning online as they go, as the course is assessed by portfolio."
The Department of Health Sciences is home to the British Heart Foundation Care and Education Research Group, which has an international reputation for its work on improving the quality of care and rehabilitation for cardiac patients.