Posted on 30 April 2004
It submitted an outline planning application today (Friday 30th April) for the site known as Heslington East.
The expansion will see growth in existing academic departments, the introduction of new departments, extensive research growth, and a large increase in spin-off and start-up companies.
The development is expected to lead to about 5,000 new jobs in the city.
Academic developments on Heslington East will include the relocation of some existing (and fast-growing) departments, such as Computer Science and Electronics. The University also plans to introduce new subjects, including a new department of Theatre, Film and Television, and, in the future, Law and Dentistry.
This will be a campus open to all. Its open nature and the public facilities should make it a place where every citizen of York can feel that it belongs to them.
Jon Meacock, Heslington East Project Director
Heslington East will include new colleges to provide high quality accommodation for an extra 3,300 students. Distance learning, part time and local students will continue to live at home.
Public facilities will include playing fields, an indoor sports arena and an athletics track, together with a performing arts centre.
Science City York has generated over 9,000 jobs, and Heslington East will provide more 'incubator' space for start-up companies, particularly those which spin-out from academic departments. Developing the knowledge-based economy is a key factor in driving the University's expansion.
The Masterplan for Heslington East includes a large naturalistic lake and wetlands for wildlife. Together with grassed areas and extensive tree planting, the lake will play a large part in establishing an extensive biodiversity in the area.
Existing hedgerows will be extended, green wedges will be established between areas of building, and the site will be developed according to the land's natural topography. Both the existing campus and its extension at Heslington East will become almost traffic free. Parking on the campus will be available only for visitors, the disabled, and service vehicles. A new transit system or 'people-mover' will transport staff and students across the extended campus.
These plans are based on the 'triple bottom line' principles of sustainability, in which the development must contribute to social responsibility, environmental neutrality or enhancement, and financial viability.
"This will be a campus open to all," said Jon Meacock, Heslington East project director. "We intend it to be a beautiful place, sensitive to its neighbours and to the landscape. Its open nature and the public facilities should make it a place where every citizen of York can feel that it belongs to them."
The development is likely to create 2,000 University jobs, 2,500 jobs in 'related research activity', particularly in spin-off. As well as new jobs created at the University, there will be associated new jobs in the local area.
"The University of York is one of the best in Britain," said Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Cantor. "We must grow in order to sustain this excellence and we have a wonderful opportunity to do so. I believe it gives the whole city a focus for optimism in our collective future."