Posted on 4 July 2003
Nick, 25, who attended Woldgate School in Pocklington, chose the university not only because of his familiarity with the local area, but in particular for its excellent reputation an the good research amenities available in the History Department.
He is currently considering furthering his studies by embarking on a MA in History at Nottingham University this September. Eventually he hopes to pursue a career in research for historical television programmes.
Whilst at the University he took an active part in sports and played football for the James College team and the University's fourth team. He was also a member of the University's futsal team, a game similar to football that is played indoors.
Nick described the three years he spent at the University as being very fulfilling, "I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of university life, both academically and in terms of the sports I was involved with."
After leaving Huntington School, Adam deliberated between choosing the University of York and Warwick University, but he says, "I finally decided on York due to its high record and the fact that the course was flexible."
Adam, 21, hopes to return to the University of York in 2004 to begin an MA in history, but in the meantime is looking forward to having a year out where he can take a break from studies and earn some money. He has always wanted a career in academia and intends to follow his Masters with a PhD and ultimately become a history lecturer.
Nick, Adam and Claire's graduation ceremony will take place on Thursday 9 July at 9.30am in Central Hall at the University of York.