Posted on 18 July 2001
Mr Doxey is a chartered engineer who has experience in both the public and private sectors. He will work on secondment from his post at the DTI in the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber in Leeds.
The White Rose Consortium is a partnership between Yorkshire's three leading research-based universities. By consolidating its strengths in many research areas, particularly science and technology, the Consortium has been able ti win Government funds to develop commercial exploitation of its research, support 'cluster' development in its host cities and regions, and form industrial partnerships on particular projects.
This powerhouse of ideas and experience is also used to promote joint postgraduate scholarships and establish new support for developing entrepreneurial activity in the three universities. Martin Doxey will lead and co-ordinate further such projects. In previous posts, he established the £1.8 billion Objective One programme in South Yorkshire and initiated the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Innovation Strategy, recently re-launched as the Yorkshire forward Cluster Network.
Mr Doxey said "I see my role as realising the potential of the White Rose University Consortium for the benefit of the universities and the region, building on the high reputations of the institutions and creating sustainable development. We shall build on success."
"There has been a tremendous amount of hard work done to set up the Consortium - the University Vice Chancellors and their colleagues showed tremendous commitment to establishing it. My appointment is the next phase, taking it on from its flying start in 1997."