Rent arrears, cost-effective ways to stop smoking, and the preservation of corneal grafts
Posted on 2 December 1997
New research grants and contracts as University wins a further £2.4 million
New research grants totalling £2,439,796 were announced at a meeting of the University of York's Council in November. This batch of new research projects continues the University's success in attracting funding for research, following its high scores in the official Research Assessment Exercise in December 1996 and the third highest funding settlement in the UK from the Higher Education Funding Council.
The University's annual income for research grants and contracts is now nearly £20m. The University has one of the highest per capita research income streams in the UK.
New grants include:
- £45,000 from the Health Education Authority for advice to NHS purchasers for cost-effective smoking cessation. The grant holder is Mrs Christine Godfrey in the Centre for Health Economics.
- £25,769 from the Joseph Rowntreee Foundation to study rent arrears - reasons and responses. The grant holder is Professor Janet Ford in the Centre for Housing Policy.
- £49,651 from the Royal National Institute for the Blind to study ultra-low temperature preservation of corneal grafts for the treatment of blindness. The grant holder is Dr M Wusteman in the Department of Biology.