Nouse Event: Rachel Reeves

The University welcomed Rachel Reeves, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, to campus on Thursday 16 January for this term’s first Nouse Event.

Rachel Reeves. Photo by Agatha Torrance‌‌‌Reeves spoke about the Coalition’s cuts-driven economic policy and the alternative Labour Party offers, focusing on the importance of building a market that distributes wealth more equitably. Citing research that showed Britain was 18th out of 20 industrialised countries in its pre-tax and benefit market distribution, she spoke of the need for an active industrial strategy to provide more middle-paying jobs and a living wage.

After a short introductory talk, Reeves was interviewed by members of the Nouse Events team and fielded questions from the floor.

The event, hosted in association with the Humanities Research Centre, was the first Nouse Event of the term. Nouse is one of the University's largest media societies, and has received numerous awards and nominations in the National Student Journalism Awards and Guardian Student Media Awards.

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