Question Time at the University of York
The University of York played host to BBC One's Question Time on Thursday 21 March.
The show, presented by David Dimbleby, was broadcast from the Atrium of the Ron Cooke Hub on Heslington East.
The show gave a national showcase to the building which was opened in 2011. It is both the University’s primary centre for business and external engagement and the focal point of the University’s £750 million capital expansion.
The Question Time panel included Michael Gove, Education Secretary; Emily Thornberry, Shadow Attorney General; Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party; Anthony Horowitz, writer and York Alumnus and Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs.
A number of students from the University’s Department of Theatre, Film and Television had work experience placements with the Question Time production team.
The Ron Cooke Hub is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as a key element of Science City York’s Embedded Space and Technology Transfer project.
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