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York Medical Society

The York Medical Society will be opening to the general public for a series of talks about health and medical research. Short talks will run from 5pm-8.30pm, wine and soft drinks with be served in the intervals. These talks will open up a world of exciting new research!



Killing Cancer with Cold Plasma

Talk, 5pm-5.20pm, York Medical Society

We believe that plasma treatment may be a promising future alternative treatment to radiotherapy and surgery for men with prostate cancer. Join us for this talk to find out more!



From Black Pudding to Transfusions; The Weird and Wonderful World of Blood

Talk, 5.20pm-5.40pm, York Medical Society

In this talk we will examine at how blood cells are made, and take a microscopic look at the various components of blood and the essential roles they play in health and disease. 


Can We Use Antiepileptic Drugs to Treat Cancer?

Talk, 5.40pm-6pm, York Medical Society

Do cancer patients who are taking antiepileptic drugs live longer than cancer patients not taking these drugs? Come along to find out some of the surprising research carried out on this subject!


Fixing the Brain in 'Lazy Eye'

Talk, 6.30pm-6.50pm, York Medical Society

This talk will discuss several of the therapies used to treat 'lazy eye', which include specially modified 3D computer games, and will explain how we can track improvements in vision during treatment by monitoring activity in the visual parts of the brain.


Creating a Healing Campus: Challenging the Perceptions of Mental Illness

Talk, 6.50pm-7.10pm, York Medical Society

The Converge project offers a model of collaboration between a university and a mental health service provider that can make a real difference in the lives of users of mental health services, full-time students and the university community. Drop by to find out more!

Bacteria: Friend or Foe?

Talk, 7.30pm-7.50pm, York Medical Society

An estimated 100 trillion bacteria call our bodies home and we are only now fully realising how they may effect our digestion, immune system and possibly even our mental well-being. In this talk I will discuss what bacteria are, their incredible diversity and how they can be both friend and foe.

How to Win the Antimicrobial Resistance Arms Race

Talk, 7.50pm-8.10pm, York Medical Society

What are microbes? What is antimicrobial resistance? What exactly is the problem and how big is it? This talk will try to answer some of these questions and show how we can find solutions to the increasing incidence of infections that are resistant to antibiotic therapy.


Incentivising the Pharma Industry to Develop Drugs That Do More Good Than Harm

Talk, 8.10pm-8.30pm, York Medical Society

Pharmaceutical companies produce an array of new products each year, and health systems around the world have to decide which ones to use. In contrast, the NHS is crying out for new antibiotics, but few are being developed.  Why does this mismatch occur, and how can the NHS set the right incentives to the pharma industry to generate value for money?