25 September 2015
King's Manor, K155(map)
FREE admission
No booking required
No wheelchair access
What were ordinary people’s lives like during the Mesolithic period (9600 - 4000 BC)? We know that our Stone Age ancestors lived by hunting and gathering, but what foods did they eat, how did they make tools, and how did they adorn and decorate themselves? A range of activities led by archaeologists will enable visitors to learn about the animals, fish, shellfish, fruits, nuts, and plants that people ate in the Mesolithic; all wild foods available in the landscape in Britain at the time. Visitors will have a chance to see a selection of flint artefacts, beads and pigments and try their hand at making the same artefacts used every day by ancient people. Visitors will also learn how archaeologists currently analysing ancient stone tools work out how these tools were made, and which specific items were gathered and processed in the past. Visitors will learn how Mesolithic people added a splash of colour and artistic flare to their world.