25 September 2015
King's Manor, Ante Room (map)
FREE admission
No booking required
Wheelchair accessible
“Help! Our town is about to be swamped by the waves! Can you help me to protect our town and still leave us some chocolate coins to spare?”
Find out about the UK’s intriguing and strangely beautiful saltmarshes and mudflats. Discuss the difficult choices involved in managing our coastline. From coastal flood protection to climate regulation, food production to fun and recreation; the often hidden benefits we get from nature are essential for our economy, health and wellbeing. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) researchers are working to understand how biodiversity underpins these benefits. This is particularly important given the increasing pressures on our ecosystems. We all need to take part in decisions about how best to use and manage our land, so that people can continue to get all these benefits in the future.