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King's Manor

The University of York is delighted to open the doors of King's Manor for a night of fun, family-friendly talks and activities. Discover our Year of Light hub, with our inflatable sundome and nuclear fusion activities, learn about pre-historic cheese making and human evolution, and meet our environment experts to explore the world of sustainability.



Science in the Skies

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Climb aboard our replica aircraft and experience audio and video footage from an actual flight. Experts will be on hand to answer any questions and talk about work onboard the research aircraft and careers in environmental science. 


Smart Gels- From Jelly Babies to a High-Tech Future

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Gels are fascinating soft materials with which we come into contact on a regular basis – from jelly babies to hair gel - but what is a gel, and what gives it its special properties? This exhibition will explore some of these questions, and give you an insight into the hidden world of gels down at the nanoscale.  You will also get the opportunity to test your chemistry skills by making a gel!


IrriGate: The African Irrigation Game

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Through the game and displays, players will learn how farming can be sustained with limited water, how climate change and cutting down forests can lead to less water for farming, and how archaeologists and ecologists work out what the environment looked like in the past, and what it might look like in the future. Be warned, you might get a little wet!


Whispering Worms: How do Earthworms Talk to Plants?

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Come and find out the ways in which earthworms are vital for making sure soil is fit for plant gowth, from simply mixing and aerating the soil, to the more complicated chemical relationships between plants and earthworms. 



Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Our exhibition will include hands on activities such as badge making and we may be lucky enough to have a visit from some creepy crawlies and reptiles. 


Why Did The Chicken Cross the Globe?

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Why did the chicken cross the globe? Due to human intervention! By studying chicken history we can learn a lot about our own history. This event will show the social, cultural and environmental impact of this important species.



What Did Our Ancestors Eat? And How do Scientists Know?

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Discover how pottery residue analysis can tells us about the food and ways of cooking in the Stone Age in Europe and northeast Asia through our exciting exhibition and short film. 


Fish 'n Chips: Fishing Through Time

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Did you know that you are walking on fishbones right now? Look at the vast array of different fish bones found in York's archaeological record, see how far fishermen sailed to feed the hungry denizens of York and discover why they wanted to grow fish that tasted like mud. You can even take home your own colourful fish made with fish glue!


How to Make Prehistoric Cheese

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Come along and help us experiment with making cheese, using the technologies available to prehistoric farmers, and explore how adopting farming changed both our diets and DNA.



Analysing Archaeology: Using Chemistry to Understand the Past

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

From Great Barrier Reef corals to South African ostrich eggshells, collaborations between chemists, earth scientists and archaeologists push analytical science forward and advance our understanding of earth's history. Come and discover how the molecules we analyse in the lab can tell you about the past!


Food Waste: Beyond the Bin

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, KG33

Wastes like used coffee grounds, brewers spent grain and orange peel are unavoidable and usually end up in landfill, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have value! Learn about the food waste investigations going on in York and across a large European network of researchers.

 © Simon Cragg, University of Portsmouth
© Arabidopsis flowers & protein structure: P4fifty webpage
© Hemp: MultiHemp webpage

Enzyme Discovery: The Quest for a Sustainable Future

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, KG33

Come and discover the fascinating world of enzymes with our researchers from the University of York! Learn how enzymes are discovered, what their function is and how they hold the key to a sustainable future. 



Virtual Dig! Minecraft and Archaeology

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, KG60

With virtual reconstructions we can test ideas about ancient landscapes, different interpretations of building techniques, and how people lived in the past. Come and explore and reconstruct archaeological sites using the creative video game Minecraft!


Daily Life in the Stone Age

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, K155

We know that our Stone Age ancestors lived by hunting and gathering, but what foods did they eat, and how did they make tools? Visitors will have a chance to see a selection of flint artefacts and try their hand at making the same stone tools used every day by ancient people.


Meet the Ancestors

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Marquee

Find out more about our evolution from primate ancestors through fossils and scanning equipment which can both digitise fossils and 3D print them!


A Joint Endeavour

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, K157

Through fun activities and games find out how researchers are using combinations of stem cell and 3D tissue templates to repair injured joints. 


Bone Detectives

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, K157

Get the chance to learn from experts how they read the telltale signs of diet and disease on human bones. See how teeth and bones are changed by disease and diet and how we investigate this using the latest scientific methods to learn more about our past.


Resilient Rice Project

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Ante Room

Over two billion people rely on rice as a major part of their diet. Discover how researchers from the US, UK and India are working together to develop new varieties of rice that are better at surviving both drought and flooding in India. 



Explore Nature

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Ante Room

Have a go at exploring the types of citizen science projects you can get involved in, from surveys of lichens to exploring levels of air pollution, and helping to map the distribution of earthworms across the UK!



Of Blood and Bugs: Understanding How the Immune System Works

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Ante Room

Come and discover the fascinating complexity behind our immune system. Test your knowledge with our quiz and investigate our collection of biological samples with hands-on microcopy. Drop by and find out more about our research.



Discover the CAPACITIE Research Project

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Ante Room

Combining rapid industrialisation, cars and coal fires of our past, the harmful effects of today’s industrial chemicals, and veterinary and human pharmaceuticals, pollution has never been a bigger problem. Come along and find out more about our perception of pollution through interactive games and scientific demonstrations.


Benefits From Nature

Exhibition and Activities, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Ante Room

From coastal flood protection to climate regulation, food production to fun and recreation; the hidden benefits we get from nature are essential for our economy, health and wellbeing.  Find out how you would balance a budget and the environmental demands in our fun interactive game!



Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Ante Room

Every hour someone in the UK is told that they have Parkinson’s disease – with faster and more accurate diagnoses we can reduce their suffering. Come along to find out more!



The Impact of Space Travel

Activities and Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

University of York academics will present their research on Tim Peake's visit to the International Space Station and its impact on schools. You can also try out some activities to find out more about space flight!

Brought to Light: The Past and Future of Earth's Greatest Resource

Activities and Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

Dr Michael Wharmby will tell the story of light, explaining how its weird properties are crucial to modern science and technology. See for yourself how some of these strange properties are used with hands-on experiments: try splitting light into its constituent colours and make your own crystal!

Solar Energy + Water = Fuels

Activities and Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

Join us for fun interactive activities demonstrating the power of light, including some dazzling displays of chemical reactions!


PiKON Telescope

Activities and Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

Come along to discover more about the PiKon Telescope, a 3D printed, Raspberry Pi powered astro-cam. 


Heritage Jam

Exhibition, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor, Common Room

The Heritage Jam is a rapid prototyping event which invites artists, game-developers, students, archaeologists, heritage professionals and anyone with an interest in how heritage is visualised to collaborate for two days and produce a novel visualisation based around a central theme. For YorNight we are inviting you to come to see the prototypes as they are being developed.

Refectory Researchers' Café

Café, 5pm-8.30pm, King's Manor Refectory

The King's Manor Refectory will be staying open late for YorNight 2015. Come along to buy a snack or a drink and chat to one of our researchers in an informal, relaxed atmosphere about the exciting new discoveries they have been making.

From Plasma Balls to Lightning

Activities and Exhibition, Kings Manor, Huntingdon Room

From plasma balls to lightning, fluorescent bulbs to the Sun, find out how plasmas are used in a range of science from power generation to healthcare.  


Discover Spectroscopy!

Activities and Exhibition, Kings Manor, Huntingdon Room

Use special glasses to discover the colours of different elements and how we use this to find out what stars are made of. 


Activities and Exhibition, Kings Manor, Huntingdon Room

Can you direct the laser round the maze?  Or use gummy bears to investigate the properties of lasers? Find out how lasers are used in everyday life and what the most powerful lasers in the world are used for.  

UV Zone

Activities and Exhibition, Kings Manor, Huntingdon Room

Join us in the ultraviolet zone and add your own glowing art work.  Make a bracelet that will change colour in sunlight and investigate whether your bank notes are forgeries! 

Infrared Cameras

Activities and Exhibition, Kings Manor, Huntingdon Room

Find out who's the coolest person in the room...literally...with our infrared camera, and discover why this is used for cutting edge space telescopes.  

Optical Fibres

Activities and Exhibition, Kings Manor, Huntingdon Room

Ever wondered what those adverts for fibre optic broadband are actually talking about? Get hands-on with optical fibres to find out how information is transmitted using light.

Fabulous Fusion!

Activities and Exhibition, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

Come inside our Sundome! Join scientists on an exploration of the power of the Sun and fusion energy. Can we make mini suns here on Earth and will these eventually power our power stations? Will fusion one day solve the energy crisis? Come along to find out!


What Can Lego Tell Us About Radioactivity?

Activities and Exhibition, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

We hear a lot about the dangers of radioactivity in the media, but radioactivity is an important part of everyday life - from power generation, to medicine, to discovering how stars are made. But why are some elements radioactive? Find out by joining nuclear physicists to construct a giant Lego nuclear chart. Safe fun for all the family!  

Electricty and Magnetism

Activities and Exhibition, King's Manor, Huntingdon Room

Sparks, high voltages and magnetic hedgehogs! Try out hands-on activities to investigate electricity and magnetism and find out how these help us to build cutting edge technologies.