26 September 2014
8pm - 8.30pm
Mansion House (map)
FREE admission
No booking required
Wheelchair accessible
How can we all talk about loneliness? What are the risks of not addressing loneliness, of not doing whatever we can to reduce loneliness? How do we make every contact count? How do we look after the health and wellbeing of our communities, colleagues and ourselves?
Come along and hear all about the research that went into the Neighbourhood approaches to loneliness research programme which looked at how neighbourhoods can contribute to the well-being of local people at risk of, or experiencing, loneliness. Find out how members of four local communities worked as unpaid community researchers for three years to explore what causes loneliness, the role of community activities, and how involvement in these could enhance community well-being. Hear how the research resulted in sustainable prevention in all neighbourhoods, led by and for local people.