This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Friday 19 June 2020, 6pm to 11.59pm
  • Location: Online event
  • Audience: Open to alumni, staff, students, the public
  • Admission: Free admission, booking not required

Event details

York Festival of Ideas 2019 - highlight

Frances Atkins, Michelin-starred chef of the Yorke Arms, speaks on the role that women have played, historically and now, in the male-dominated world of cookery. She was speaking as part of the Date With History Focus Day at York Festival of Ideas 2019. The theme for the day was A Date with History: Fashion, Food and Feminism From the idea of ‘gastronomie’ to Empires and colonisation, we reveal the integral part cooking and food have played in the cultural history of both France and Britain. What historical role have women played – and play today – in a male-dominated field?