Does sustainability need a radical change to land law? Dr Sean Thomas, The York Law School
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One Planet Week event
Does sustainability need a radical change to land law?' The costs of environmental damage (whether by pollution, or through over-extractive use) of land are well-known. Clearly a more sustainable approach to the way we use land is necessary. However, the meaning of this aim is potentially incredibly complex. Law will play a part in the process of developing sustainable approaches to land. The extent to which the current English and Welsh land law regime is suitable for this is questionable. One question that may be asked is the extent to which we need radical change to land law? Here I examine some radical options for reforming (revolutionising?) land law in this context. In particular, I consider (1) home-ownership structures; (2) the implications of the regulation of non-use of land; (3) land as part of the circular economy.