Back to the future: Psychedelics as treatment Dr Guy Goodwin, COMPASS Pathways and University of Oxford
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Psychedelics in Medicine Society talk
After a scientific “radio silence” of several decades, psychedelics have recently regained attention as therapeutic aid in psychiatry. Preliminary data from patient studies suggest that one or two regular doses of a psychedelic, in combination with some kind of psychological assistance, is effective in the combatting of severe, persistent psychiatric disorders such as depression. Anecdotal evidence suggests that even very low doses of these substances (microdosing) without therapeutic care are effective in the treatment of certain psychopathologies. The evidence is steadily growing, though a lot of work still has to be done to uncover the full potential of both low and regular doses of psychedelic substances. Dr Goodwin aims to give an update on the potential therapeutic value of regular and low doses of psychedelics in the treatment of psychopathologies.
Dr Guy Goodwin
Guy Goodwin is Chief Medical Officer at COMPASS Pathways and an Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford.
His research interests have been in the treatment of bipolar disorder and the application of neuroscience in understanding the neurobiology of mood disorders, with a focus on developing new treatments. His current interest is the potential to transform treatment using new technology and new drugs, notably the psychedelics.