Setting up and establishing a Fair Trade chocolate start-up Professor Bob Doherty, School for Business and Society
Event details
School for Business and Society Lecture
Professor Bob Doherty is Dean of the School for Business and Society at the University of York and during this lecture he will share his entrepreneurial experiences as the first ever Head of Sales and Marketing at the start-up Fairtrade social enterprise, Divine Chocolate Ltd.
The talk will provide insights into the challenges and practical realities of business planning for a new business venture and share his lessons learned that can be applied to new enterprises today.
Photo by Tamas Pap on Unsplash
This event is in-person, but will also be live-streamed on YouTube.
About the speaker
Bob Doherty is Dean of the School for Business and Society at the University of York and Principal Investigator of a 5-year programme called FixOurFood - transformations to Regenerative Food Systems from the Transforming Food Systems UK Strategic Priorities Fund, which will run from 2021-2026. This programme is funded by the Biotechnology Biological Sciences Research Council. Bob was seconded in April 2019-March 2022 into the UK Government Department, DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) as a policy fellow to work on Food Systems policy development. Before moving into academia in 2003, Bob spent 14 years working in the agrifood industry - first eight years in Animal Health for Coopers Pitman Moore, then five years as Head of Sales and Marketing at Divine Chocolate Ltd.