Moving on up? Higher education and student parents Miranda Armstrong, Department of Sociology
Event details
National Inclusion Week 2021 Event
This talk shines a light on the complex experiences of student parents, a less-visible part of university populations. As part of National Inclusion Week, the life-changing journeys of student mothers are focused on in this talk, including that of the speaker, a single mother and student who gained a new career as an academic. The talk highlights the various positive impacts of this under-recognised phenomenon, while problematising the obstacles that threaten it.
Miranda Armstrong
Miranda Armstrong is a writer and a Research Associate based at the University of York. Miranda has held the prestigious Economic and Social Research Council PhD scholarship, taught sociology and criminology at Goldsmiths College and worked on research projects at the Open University and the University of Cambridge. A recipient of a Resourcing Racial Justice Award for her work on single black motherhood, Miranda provides talks and workshops on the topic for a variety of organisations. She is author of the graphic pamphlet, Beyond the Myth: Single Black Mothers and their Sons. Her writing on single motherhood has been published by outlets including Discover Society and Black Ballad, and she is a contributing essayist to the pioneering anthology, Motherhood Untold.