Reading the passions Sir Nicholas Penny, former Director of the National Gallery and Slade Professor in Fine Art for 2019 -20
Event details
York History of Art Research Seminars
The lecture is adapted from one of the Slade Lectures given early this year at the University of Cambridge which explored various ways in which the study of Greek and Roman antiquity influenced the painting and sculpture of Western Europe between 1500 and 2000. It distinguishes between those expressions recognised as natural (but hard in fact to study from life) and those of a more heroic or ideal character derived in large part from sculptures such as the Dying Alexander, the Niobe group and the Laocoon. It also explores the idea that antique sculpture was often deliberately restrained or limited by aesthetic convention from attempting to represent extreme emotion.
Join Sir Nicholas Penny, former Director of the National Gallery and Slade Professor in Fine Art for 2019 -20.