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Nanocentre staff

Director of York JEOL Nanocentre

Director of Electron Microscopy

Professor Vlado Lazarov

AC-(e)STEM/TEM. Atomic level structural and spectroscopic characterisation of nanomaterials. Growth and modelling of thin films and heterostructures for spintronic and electronic applications.

Experimental Officer

Adam Kerrigan Experimental Officer: SEM, TEM, FIB, AFM

Research Officer

Dr Leonardo Lari  Research Officer: AC-(e)TEM/STEM

EPSRC SuperSTEM senior research fellow/lecturer

Dr Demie Kepaptsoglou 

Areas of expertise: Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy; Materials Science; Thermoelectrics; Functional ceramics; Graphene and 2D materials.


Royal Society University Research Fellow

Dr Laura Clark

Areas of expertise: (Scanning) transmission electron microscopy; ptychography and differential phase  ontrast imaging; image simulations for (S)TEM; beam shaping and aperture design; low-dose imaging for beam sensitive materials, modelling and analyses; fourier optics analysis

Other resident staff

Professor Dame Pratibha Gai DBE, FREng, FRS 
(JEOL Founding Professor of Electron Microscopy and founding Co-Director of Nanocentre (2005-2016), Departments of Chemistry and Physics) - Catalysis, in-situ electron microscopy instrumentation and methods, bioenergy, fuel cells, emission control, healthcare.

Professor Edward D Boyes FRMS, FInstP
(Founding Co-Director of Nanocentre, Physics and Electronics) - Analytical instrumentation, method development, auto-exhaust emission control and nanoparticle physics

Chair of Nanocentre Users' Forum

Dr Richard Douthwaite (Chemistry)

Staff associated with the Nanocentre

Professor Vlado Lazarov

Dr Leonardo Lari

Dr Demie Kepaptsoglou

Dr Laura Clark

Professor Dame Pratibha Gai FRS

Professor Edward Boyes