AC-(e)STEM/TEM. Atomic level structural and spectroscopic characterisation of nanomaterials. Growth and modelling of thin films and heterostructures for spintronic and electronic applications.
Adam Kerrigan Experimental Officer: SEM, TEM, FIB, AFM
Dr Leonardo Lari Research Officer: AC-(e)TEM/STEM
Areas of expertise: Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy; Materials Science; Thermoelectrics; Functional ceramics; Graphene and 2D materials.
Areas of expertise: (Scanning) transmission electron microscopy; ptychography and differential phase ontrast imaging; image simulations for (S)TEM; beam shaping and aperture design; low-dose imaging for beam sensitive materials, modelling and analyses; fourier optics analysis
Professor Dame Pratibha Gai DBE, FREng, FRS
(JEOL Founding Professor of Electron Microscopy and founding Co-Director of Nanocentre (2005-2016), Departments of Chemistry and Physics) - Catalysis, in-situ electron microscopy instrumentation and methods, bioenergy, fuel cells, emission control, healthcare.
Professor Edward D Boyes FRMS, FInstP
(Founding Co-Director of Nanocentre, Physics and Electronics) - Analytical instrumentation, method development, auto-exhaust emission control and nanoparticle physics
Dr Richard Douthwaite (Chemistry)