Accessibility statement

The York JEOL Nanocentre

The JEOL 7800F Prime chamber

Welcome to the York Nanocentre

Vlado Lazarov

The YORK Nanocentre provides access to facilities and services for materials research and teaching on the nanoscale. Our aim is to support interdisciplinary research across academia and industry.

Professor Vlado Lazarov, Director

The Nanocentre

The York JEOL Nanocentre was formally established in 2007 to create a world class centre of excellence for in-situ and environmental aberration-corrected electron imaging and spectroscopy co-founded by Professor Dame Pratibha Gai DBE, FREng, FRS and Professor Edward Boyes, FRMS, FInstP.

The York Nanocentre has expanded its user base and activity across cognate departments at York including the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Biology and Archaeology, in collaboration with external users from academia and industry.

Through the Nanocentre, the University is one of six UK Universities in the SuperSTEM consortium, the EPSRC National Facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy.

Working with the Nanocentre

Find out more about our facilities and expertise available at the Nanocentre.

Support for your project can be provided in collaboration with Nanocentre scientists or alternatively as a service.


Next generation aberration-corrected STEM/TEM with atomic resolution spectroscopy under controlled environmental conditions (AC-eSTEM).

Funded through an EPSRC Strategic Equipment grant and the University of York, the Nanocentre has purchased a new state-of-the-art AC-STEM JEOL 200F NeoARM which will be modfied by York to extend our unique 'gas-in-the-microscope' integration of atomic resolution imaging and spectroscopy with controlled environmental capabilities in gas and with temperature. This investment is a significant step change in our capability and will extend a wide range of current materials research at York and in collaboration with academia and industry, as well as open new opportunities in materials research.

New 2100+ TEM/STEM. To complement and support research on the AC-eSTEM, a new JEOL 2100+ TEM/STEM machine is now installed and replaces the 2011 TEM.

New dual, fast, large area EDX detectors from Oxford Instruments are now installed on the 7800F FEGSEM, significantly shortening acquiistion times.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss your scientific problem and access to our facilities please get in touch at