Our approach to the academic study of Music is based in its performed, sounding reality. We aim to support you in developing your practical skills to the highest possible level, whether or not you wish to make performance a key part of your career. 

Our team of instrumental teachers includes performers from leading UK ensembles including BBC Philharmonic, CBSO and Opera North, as well as period-instrument specialists and award-winning jazz performers; the team also includes highly-regarded pianists who perform internationally as soloists and collaborative artists. Our singing teachers have sung on opera stages and concert platforms around the world, are experienced in supporting students across a wide range of genres and committed to extending their practice in innovative and collaborative ways.

All BA Music students receive one-to-one instrumental or vocal tuition throughout all three years of their degree, funded by the School:

  • In the first and second years every student receives 15 hours of individual tuition
  • In the third year this can increase to 18 to 20 hours with a reduced amount of six hours for those choosing other options reflecting the School's commitment to continue supporting your development as a performer.

Alongside these individual lessons, all BA Music students participate in at least one of our many departmental ensembles. Each year of your degree, you’ll take a Creative and Professional Practice module which is built around workshops, performance classes and advice sessions from professionals in the field. The module will help you develop the foundational skills you’ll need to thrive in a musical career and grow as a musician.

MA Performance students receive regular individual lessons and weekly performance classes. They also work with a team of collaborative pianists who perform alongside our students and offer valuable insights as coaches.

There are also opportunities for those pursuing other programmes of study to arrange instrumental or vocal tuition. Students on our MA Music Education: Instrumental and Vocal Teaching course give lessons as part of their learning and these lessons are open to all across the University community - contact richard.powell@york.ac.uk for details. In addition, the Music Society maintains a database of student teachers and can help put you in contact.

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