In addition to providing an open forum for intellectual exchange among academic staff and postgraduates working in the modern period, CModS also cultivates more intensive research efforts in three to four strategic key areas during each academic year. These are known as the CMoDS Research Strands.
Led by staff in one or more departments at the University, these strands serve as focal points for activities and funding within the centre. Leaders of research strands organise conferences, reading groups, study days and other opportunities for collaboration in a series of events held over an academic year or more, in preparation for publications, major grant applications or other forms of research development.
Research strands are selected based on their originality, timeliness, historiographical and methodological significance, fit with local, national and international research agendas, ability to generate interest among staff and students across and beyond the Centre's core disciplines in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, and the promise of significant research outcomes.
CModS also awards a number of small project grants each year.