Visible and Invisible Authorships
The 7th Annual Conference of The Association of Adaptation Studies
27th-28th September 2012

The Film and Literature Programme of the University of York is delighted to be hosting the 7th annual international conference of the AAS in association with the York Humanities Research Centre. The conference will invite reflection on the relationship of acts of authoring to the ongoing lives of adapted texts.
- How have different authorial voices and authorial inscriptions (writers, illustrators, screen writers, directors, designers, studios etc) of inherited tales been present, and/ or effaced in the processes of transmission?
- How might we reflect on these processes of authorial visibility and invisibility in the cultural circulation of adapted texts across media and moment?
- What is it to ‘author’ a contemporary telling of a tale that is already authored, or even that is received from history as, in effect, implicitly but eloquently authorless? And what happens in the process of visiting a revised or renewed authorial inscription upon a work?
- Why do some adapted works slough off almost all authorial designations (or cling to peripheral ones) in their cultural reputations while others are emphatically branded in terms of an identifiable authorial voice?
Keynote speakers:
- David Nicholls (writer and adapter of One Day, Starter for Ten, The Understudy, Great Expectations (for release in 2012))
- Thomas Leitch (author of, inter alia, Film Adaptation and Its Discontents (2007); Find the Director and Other Hitchcock Games (1991); “Twelve Fallacies in Contemporary Adaptation Theory,” Criticism 45 (Spring 2003); “Adaptation Theory at a Crossroads,” Adaptation 1: 1 (Spring 2008); “Adaptation, the Genre,” Adaptation 1: 2 (Fall 2008)
- Isobel Dixon and Simon Barraclough (poets whose Psycho Poetica project rereads Hitchcock's Psycho through a poetic lens)
Conference programme
Visible and invisible authorships conference programme (MS Word
, 199kb)
The deadline for submission of abstracts has now passed and the list of speakers decided. No further submissions can now be accepted.
To attend the conference, all delegates (speaking and non-speaking) must register by completing the registration form:
Visible and invisible authorships registration form (MS Word
, 131kb)
and returning it to the conference registration secretary, Nora-Lee Wales, at and copied to
Closing date for receipt of registration forms: Tuesday 18th September 2012.
All speaking delegates must, in addition, by the time of the conference, be current members of the Association of Adaptation Studies. To join the Association, see
Conference chair: