Eve Donlon, "Atypical Burials and the Literature of Death in Late Medieval England (c. 1100-1500): An Interdisciplinary Study"
Gemma Lees, "Representing the Late Mediaeval Merchant: Commemoration in the Parish Churches of Norwich and York, c.1400-1550"
Theo Long, "Examination of five thirteenth-century Cistercian Vitae written about women and lay brothers (conversi) from the Low Countries"
Tom Williams, "Honourable women or misogynistic myths? The place of women within the honour system of Viking-Age Iceland as portrayed in the Íslendingasögur"
Entered 2023-24
Sam Elphick, "Religious expressions of Scandinavians in England, c.865-954"
George Fowles, "The Sound of Violence: Noise and Violence in the Medieval Icelandic Sagas"
Makayla Nicholis, "Shaping the Atlantic through Belief: early medieval empire and the limits of the known World (c.6th-11th)"
Entered 2021-22
Stephanie Drew, "The transmission and transformation of Mediterranean botanical knowledge in pre-Conquest Britain"
Rachel Harley, "Siblings and Sibling Relations in Later Medieval England, 1300-1550"
Entered 2020-21
Tracey Davison, “Keeping up Appearances. Investigating perceptions of clothing and textiles in Anglo-Saxon England”
Marisa Michaud, "Par le moyen et avis de soeur Colette: Piety, Patronage, and the Relationship between the Colettine Poor Clares and the Valois Court of Burgundy"
Basil Price, "The Shadow Age: Genre and Place in the Post-Classical Íslendingasögur"
Robyn Stewart, "The Philosophical Theology of Johannes Scotus Eriugena's Periphyseon"
Entered 2019-20
Isaac Lawton, "Political culture among the rural peasantry of fourteenth-century England"
John Margham, "The Isle of Wight c. 650 to c. 1150: a study of localisation in a landscape"
Aaron Sheldon, "The Ties that Bind: Love in the Family in the Old Norse Sagas"
Katie Vernon, "Arms and Armour in Middle English Romance"
Entered 2013-14
Amanda Daw (part-time), "The role of iconography in the expression and promotion of Eucharistic piety in fifteenth-century York"
Recently completed PhD projects
Matthew Adams, "The long route up the mountain: aspects of the reception of classical and biblical mountain writing and medieval mountain ascents seen through the ascents of Egeria, Willibald and Petrach"
Alana Bennett, “Romanz reding on the bok: ‘reauralising’ romances from later medieval English household manuscripts"
Zara Burford, "Æthelwig, abbot of Evesham c.1058-1077"
Harriet Jean Evans, "Animal-human thresholds: the hybridic sociality of the household-farm in the agro-pastoral society of medieval Iceland"
Luke Giraudet, "A study of the 'Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris'"
Robert Grout, "Fatherhood in Late-Medieval Urban Society"
Ross McIntire, "Sacred Landscapes and the Cult of Saints in England and Wales, 1066-1220"
Emma Nuding, "Fenland Pilgrimage: A Literary History of St Guthlac of Crowland, Medieval to Modern"
Tom Powles, "Orderic Vitalis and church reforms in the Historia Ecclesiastica"
Emmie Price-Goodfellow, "Teaching by example: Cistercian exempla collections before Caesarius, 1178–1220"
Rebecca Searby, "The Anglo-Jewry in Law and Legal Culture, 1216-1235"
Lauren Stokeld, "An interdisciplinary semantic study of English words for 'buildings' up to 1250"
Jiří Vnouček, "The history of manuscripts with the help of visual assessment of the parchment: the differences in animals and processes employed in the preparation of parchment"
Tim Wingard, "Animals and Sexuality in England, 1300-1500"
Eric Wolever, "Cardinal Points and the Geography of Christian History in the High Middle Ages"
Elizabeth Wright, "The Materiality of the book and its status as a repository of Anglo-Saxon learned identity in manuscript depictions"
Recent PhD research
Small Houses in Later Medieval Norwich and York
Invisible Melodies': Music, Space, Memory and Identity in England, c.1350-1550
Materials for the Study of the Cult of St Agnes of Rome in Anglo-Saxon England
Kingship Ties in the Viking Diaspora
Body-soul debates in English, French and German manuscripts, c.1250-1500"
Old Norse Drinking Culture
Sculpture and Identity in Viking Age East Anglia
Naming the Divine: Designations for the Christian God in Old English Poetry
Remembering the Dead in Anglo-Saxon England
Sacred Space: Priorities, Perception and Presence of God in Late Medieval Yorkshire Parish Churches
The Production and Reception of Military Texts in the Aftermath of the Hundred Years War
The Politics of Mercy: the Royal Pardon in Fourteenth-century England
Strangers in Strange Lands: Colonisation and Multiculturalism in the Age of Scandinavian Expansion
Writing Fire and the Sword: the Perception and Representation of Viking Violence in Anglo-Saxon England
Male Lay Sanctity in Early Twelfth Century England
Reading the Stones: the Pictish Monuments on Tarbat Peninsula, Easter Ross
Ideology and the Family in Late Medieval York
Aristocratic Executions and Burials in England c. 1150-c. 1330: Cultures of Fragmentation
The Politics of Youth: the Representation of Young Noblemen in Late-fifteenth and Early-sixteenth Century Interludes
Solitude and Sociability: Anchoritic Ideology in Medieval England c. 1160-c. 1450
The Street and the Perception of Public Space in York, 1476-1586
Pour le bien du Roy et de son Royaume': Burgundian Propaganda under John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, 1405-1419
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