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Doctoral Researchers

Entered 2024-25

  • Eve Donlon, "Atypical Burials and the Literature of Death in Late Medieval England (c. 1100-1500): An Interdisciplinary Study"
  • Gemma Lees, "Representing the Late Mediaeval Merchant: Commemoration in the Parish Churches of Norwich and York, c.1400-1550"
  • Theo Long, "Examination of five thirteenth-century Cistercian Vitae written about women and lay brothers (conversi) from the Low Countries"
  • Tom Williams, "Honourable women or misogynistic myths? The place of women within the honour system of Viking-Age Iceland as portrayed in the Íslendingasögur"

Entered 2023-24

  • Sam Elphick, "Religious expressions of Scandinavians in England, c.865-954"
  • George Fowles, "The Sound of Violence: Noise and Violence in the Medieval Icelandic Sagas"
  • Makayla Nicholis, "Shaping the Atlantic through Belief: early medieval empire and the limits of the known World (c.6th-11th)"

Entered 2021-22

  • Stephanie Drew, "The transmission and transformation of Mediterranean botanical knowledge in pre-Conquest Britain"
  • Rachel Harley, "Siblings and Sibling Relations in Later Medieval England, 1300-1550"

Entered 2020-21

  • Tracey Davison, “Keeping up Appearances. Investigating perceptions of clothing and textiles in Anglo-Saxon England”
  • Marisa Michaud, "Par le moyen et avis de soeur Colette: Piety, Patronage, and the Relationship between the Colettine Poor Clares and the Valois Court of Burgundy"
  • Basil Price, "The Shadow Age: Genre and Place in the Post-Classical Íslendingasögur"
  • Robyn Stewart, "The Philosophical Theology of Johannes Scotus Eriugena's Periphyseon"

Entered 2019-20

  • Isaac Lawton, "Political culture among the rural peasantry of fourteenth-century England"
  • John Margham, "The Isle of Wight c. 650 to c. 1150: a study of localisation in a landscape"
  • Aaron Sheldon, "The Ties that Bind: Love in the Family in the Old Norse Sagas" 
  • Katie Vernon, "Arms and Armour in Middle English Romance"

Entered 2013-14

  • Amanda Daw (part-time), "The role of iconography in the expression and promotion of Eucharistic piety in fifteenth-century York"

Recently completed PhD projects

  • Matthew Adams, "The long route up the mountain: aspects of the reception of classical and biblical mountain writing and medieval mountain ascents seen through the ascents of Egeria, Willibald and Petrach"
  • Alana Bennett, “Romanz reding on the bok: ‘reauralising’ romances from later medieval English household manuscripts"
  • Zara Burford, "Æthelwig, abbot of Evesham c.1058-1077"
  • Harriet Jean Evans, "Animal-human thresholds: the hybridic sociality of the household-farm in the agro-pastoral society of medieval Iceland"
  • Luke Giraudet, "A study of the 'Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris'"
  • Robert Grout, "Fatherhood in Late-Medieval Urban Society" 
  • Ross McIntire, "Sacred Landscapes and the Cult of Saints in England and Wales, 1066-1220"
  • Emma Nuding, "Fenland Pilgrimage: A Literary History of St Guthlac of Crowland, Medieval to Modern"
  • Tom Powles, "Orderic Vitalis and church reforms in the Historia Ecclesiastica"
  • Emmie Price-Goodfellow, "Teaching by example: Cistercian exempla collections before Caesarius, 1178–1220"
  • Rebecca Searby, "The Anglo-Jewry in Law and Legal Culture, 1216-1235"
  • Lauren Stokeld, "An interdisciplinary semantic study of English words for 'buildings' up to 1250"
  • Jiří Vnouček, "The history of manuscripts with the help of visual assessment of the parchment: the differences in animals and processes employed in the preparation of parchment"
  • Tim Wingard, "Animals and Sexuality in England, 1300-1500"
  • Eric Wolever, "Cardinal Points and the Geography of Christian History in the High Middle Ages"
  • Elizabeth Wright, "The Materiality of the book and its status as a repository of Anglo-Saxon learned identity in manuscript depictions" 

Recent PhD research

  • Small Houses in Later Medieval Norwich and York 
  • Invisible Melodies': Music, Space, Memory and Identity in England, c.1350-1550
  • Materials for the Study of the Cult of St Agnes of Rome in Anglo-Saxon England
  • Kingship Ties in the Viking Diaspora
  • Body-soul debates in English, French and German manuscripts, c.1250-1500"
  • Old Norse Drinking Culture
  • Sculpture and Identity in Viking Age East Anglia
  • Naming the Divine: Designations for the Christian God in Old English Poetry
  • Remembering the Dead in Anglo-Saxon England
  • Sacred Space: Priorities, Perception and Presence of God in Late Medieval Yorkshire Parish Churches
  • The Production and Reception of Military Texts in the Aftermath of the Hundred Years War 
  • The Politics of Mercy: the Royal Pardon in Fourteenth-century England
  • Strangers in Strange Lands: Colonisation and Multiculturalism in the Age of Scandinavian Expansion
  • Writing Fire and the Sword: the Perception and Representation of Viking Violence in Anglo-Saxon England
  • Male Lay Sanctity in Early Twelfth Century England
  • Reading the Stones: the Pictish Monuments on Tarbat Peninsula, Easter Ross
  • Ideology and the Family in Late Medieval York
  • Aristocratic Executions and Burials in England c. 1150-c. 1330: Cultures of Fragmentation
  • The Politics of Youth: the Representation of Young Noblemen in Late-fifteenth and Early-sixteenth Century Interludes
  • Solitude and Sociability: Anchoritic Ideology in Medieval England c. 1160-c. 1450
  • The Street and the Perception of Public Space in York, 1476-1586 
  • Pour le bien du Roy et de son Royaume': Burgundian Propaganda under John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, 1405-1419