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Dr Basil Price

Basil Arnould Price completed his PhD in Medieval Studies at the University of York in 2024, and also holds a B.F.A in Art and Technology and a B.A. in Medieval Studies from the University of Oregon, as well as an M.A in Medieval Studies from the University of York. In 2024, he was awarded the inaugural John W. Baldwin postdoctoral fellowship from the CMRS-Centre for Early Global Studies at University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA).

His current monograph project, tentatively entitled The Postcolonial Sagas: The Politics of Failure in Late Medieval Iceland (1262-1500), addresses an omission in histories of premodern colonialism: the period after Iceland became a dependency of the Kingdom of Norway in 1262/1264. Through an interdisciplinary examination of Old Norse-Icelandic Íslendingasögur typically dated from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries, this project suggests that these so-called postclassical sagas express opposition to a nascent colonial relationship between Iceland and its Norwegian sovereigns not through polemics or outright resistance, but through the strategic expression of negative affects in rewritings of the political past. Alongside this monograph, Basil is also developing a second book project which charts the intersections of racialised and trans* embodiment in Old Norse-Icelandic literature. He is also an Associate Editor for the peer-reviewed journal Medieval Feminist Forum.

Basil has previously taught for the English Department and Writing Programs at Arizona State University, as well as for the Department of English and Related Literature and the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of York. At the Centre for Medieval Studies, Basil taught the Old Norse module and regularly ran its associated study group, as well as coordinating the Critical Theory for Medievalists reading group.

Select Publications
Price, B. A., “Queer Indigenous Relationality in Finnboga saga ramma.” Speculum 99 (2), (2024).
Price, B. A., “Greenland as a Horizon: Queer Utopia in Flóamanna saga.” Medieval Mobilities: Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements. edited by B. A. Price et al., (Cham: Palgrave, 2023), 225-248.
Price, B. A., et al., eds. Medieval Mobilities: Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements in the Middle Ages (Cham: Palgrave, 2023). 
Price, B. A. “Potentiality and Possibility: An Overview of Beowulf and Queer Theory” Neophilologus 104, 401–419 (2020).
Price, B. A. “Búi and the blámaðr: Comprehending Racial Others in Kjalnesinga saga.” postmedieval 11 (4), 442–450 (2020).  

Select Awards and Grants
2024 Debbie White Gender and Medieval Studies Student Essay Prize, Gender and Medieval Studies  (GMS) Working Group
2024 Graduate Student Essay Award, Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship
2023-2024 HRC Doctoral Fellow for the Centre for Medieval Studies, Humanities Research Centre, University of York
2020-2023 Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship in the Humanities, The Wolfson Foundation
2019 CARA Summer Scholarship, Medieval Academy of America

Select Talks and Presentations
“Happy Nowhere: Of Giants and Trans Feelings in Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss,” Modern Language Association Convention (MLA), Philadelphia, 2024.  
“Royal Power and the Politics of Failure in Late Medieval Íslendingasögur”, Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies, University of Washington, 2024.  
Hnappur á talnabandi: A Colonial History of Iceland (1220-1905),” Viking Studies Research Group, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, 2024. (Invited speaker.)
“The King and His Skattland: A Postcolonial Approach to Post-Commonwealth Iceland,” Colonial Entanglements and the Medieval Nordic World: Tensions, Nordic Colonialism and Indigeneity Conference, University of Greifswald, 2023.  
“Authority and its Alternatives: Postcolonial Hybridity and the Postclassical Sagas,” Rethinking Social Boundaries in the ‘Viking Diaspora’ Symposium, University of Montréal, 2022. (Invited speaker.) 
“Critical Studies in Old English Masculinities: Future Directions,” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds. (Invited speaker.) 
“I Don't Want Realism - I Want Magic: Fantasy as Resistance in Later Medieval Íslendingasögur,” Performing Magic in the Pre-Modern North Conference, University of Aberdeen, 2021. (Keynote address.) 

Headshot of Basil Price

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Dr Basil Price