Posted on 5 February 2025
Each year we award the Garmonsway essay prize for the highest coursework average in the cohort, as well as a CMS Dissertation Prize for the highest dissertation mark.
This year, the Garmonsway Essay Prize was awarded to Rosa McCann.
The CMS Dissertation Prize was awarded jointly to Jamie Meade and Niamh McAndrew, for their dissertations: “Dressing like Brothers: Sasanian Influences on Early to Middle Byzantine Court Dress”, and “‘Worshipp thys crosse’: A Reconsideration of Two Fifteenth-Century Manuscript ‘Birth Girdles’”.
The Richard III Society Dissertation Prize was also awarded at the same time, and went to David Ellison for their dissertation on “Defining and Redefining Hilda: How a Fifteenth-century Poet Expands on Bede and John of Tynemouth”.
In addition, Dr Basil Price (PhD in Medieval Studies), has been awarded the annual Mark Ormrod PhD prize for their thesis on "The Shadow Archive: Place, Politics, and Failure in the Postclassical Sagas".
Congratulations again to our prize winners, and to all our new alumni!